Well boys and girls.....Halo Reach fans in fact. I am not positive IF the Katana is in Reach. Many of you Halo 3 fans know what this is. If you don't know what this is, it is a armor type on Halo 3. It is a long sword that stretches across your back. Now, what I am saying is if the Katana is not in Reach, they should bring it back. They could make awesome assassination effects when you press and hold melee. Although, I'm not sure if they could go with any chest type. That would be cool though. So, this is a poll, vote if the Katana should be on Reach or not. Or comment below on what you think of it. Sorry, just post below what you think, an error is occurring with submitting a poll.
I always thought the katana was cool. Sure EVERYONE used it and towards the end just became cliche but I still used it. So yes, I'd love to see it make it's way into Reach. About the assassinations though, I just don't see that happening.
Well, It would probably take longer for the kill to occur so that is a possible defect, but the guy could come up on a opponent, throw that guy on the floor or twist him around and pull the sword from your back and stab him with it.
Katana would probably go under armor effect, and give you some cool assassination. Although all the assassinations are really cool now.
Nah I'm good. I would want giant teddy bear on my back. Riding me. Don't see a need to bring back, but it wouldn't matter.
If it was in Reach, it should be a Energy sword skin, because using a ninja sword to stab people in the chest would rock!
how about a more realistic outlook? if the katana is/was in Reach at all, it would make more sense to just make it an armor effect that is useless. giving people a special assassination and all that crap is retarded and its gonna create the same stupid fervor over one piece of armor just like h3 i'd like to have the choice to continue to wear it, it looked cool. hayabusa was my favorite chestpiece
IF they did bring it back, or something like it, it would probably be unlockable through waypoint, with some crazy requirements across all the games. That would be pretty sweet.
I think that IF they bring it back it shouldn't be a katana but something similar like a giant revolver on your hip of a cutlass but not the same katana.
Yeah, it should be in Reach, but as a Utility Piece, and not an Armor Effect or Chest Piece. (so then you could still choose your Armor Effect/Chest Piece) Oh, and no special assassinations because...
I think there should be an "all achievements award," but not the katana. Instead make it an unshootable scarab gun, a big seventh column mark on your back, or something else.
Eh true, if it was worn on your back though people would now there was something diffrent about it. It would also be a great callout to halo 2 fans.
if it was worn on your back it would look like a regular plasma rifle thats just on your back, plus it would create issues with other weapons on your back
that'd be cool. get every halo achievement there is, reach katana probably won't happen though, and I don't miss it. I miss when the cqb chest was the only one with a knife.... thats why I used to wear it all the time
I know right, but it wouldnt be every achievement, but a pretty good collection of them. All the achievements would be near impossible.