Hey guys ive never really showed people my new maps before but ive gotten some good feedback so here goes. I have forged BLACKOUT to make it nearly exactly like Lockout. Only a few lines of sight could not be restored, but its pretty darn close. Ill have some pics up in a bit but here goes: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=33934726 This is a way down from top lift to bottom lift. Bottom lift. I also added many of the jumps and shortcuts in. thats a link to my map. if people wanna see more of my maps i can put more. feel free to send me a FR. im on a lot and love customs. so hit me up and ill add pics wen i get back from school. thanks guys GT: iPELE
Dude. You need a better attitude. FH doesn't have to be about maps. It can be about meeting people and learning. Here [FONT="]Welcome to FH! I see that this is your first post. Sometimes, posts will not be up to standards. In your case, the pics do not work. Click the link below that reads "How to post" to learn how! Just keep this up and you will be on your way to a great career in map making.[/FONT] [FONT="]Use these links to get help on your next map, or, to just get to now ForgeHub. How to post - [/FONT] [FONT="]Click here[/FONT][FONT="][/FONT] [FONT="] [/FONT] [FONT="]Canvas Maps - [/FONT][FONT="][/FONT] [FONT="]Click here[/FONT][FONT="][/FONT]
I'll give better feedback when the pics are up, but I do have to say that a Lockout remake is a bad idea on a map that is already a remake of lockout.
I think you should get out. A bit more than Map sucks piss off. If that's your attitude then this isn't the place for you if all you want to say is that it sucks. Offer constructive critisism. You cant expect a student to be good at maths just by saying "You did it wrong"
Can we get a Mod in here to ban Vinny? We need a Mod in here to ban Vinny. I like FH because it's not full of idiots like the rest of the internet, and if we could keep it that way, it would be awesome. Back on topic, interesting idea for a map... but is it necesarry? I mean, I don't think I've played Blackout with a great sense of, "something's missing," but I may have a fuzzy memory... I'll check it out, just to see what's new. Be back in a few.
hey guys thanks for those who are being constructive. i just decided to put this up for the competitive nastalgic player. this was just a map that took a couple minutes to make. the few additions do change the gameplay. if u want a walkthru message me and ill be online, im adding the pics now so thanks guys.
Way to be constructive... On topic, you should add more info and pics on the map to get attention. Problem is theres hundreds of mlg blackouts, but if you did a really good job then I'd love to d/l it so post some pics.
Now I agree with Fly. Vinny have a better attitude but ForgeHub really revolves around maps dude. I dont find good maps on bungie thats for sure.
considering how boring usually remakes are adn no t done well i think this is pretty good. I like how you incorperated the cool halo 2 jumps in and were able to fix the problem of not being able to jump down the lift.
thanks man. the jumps and lift room were some fo my main priorities. im currently working on another map as well ill put it up after im done testing. GT: iPELE
Looks kind of sloppy, and I don't see the point of the teleporter and man cannon.. also in the first picture why did you put the barrel sideways? Not teying to be mean just trying to point out somethings.
CaMofo The barrel is sideways to keep it stable, and the weapon holders beneath it are extra stablizers. He used the geometry of the pipe and the barrel to represent a little cranny you used to be able to hide behind in the original Lockout. I like how all the jumps have returned, but I almost wish there was a better way to recreate them, because I too think it's just a little sloppy looking. As for the gravity lift thing, that's pretty neat. I always wondered how you could make it so you could drop down from there. As for the upper most structure, where the Battle Rifle spawns adjacent from the Sniper Rifle, didn't there used to be a piece of geometry handing over the whole walkway up above, higher than the doorway? I thought there was something you could stand on to overlook that whole walkway and drop down if you needed to, but unlike the barrier you placed over the doorway, I though you could just step backwards off of it? I probably would need a picture to help explain... give me a second, I'll be back with a pic.
This thing, the one in the red box. That's not on this redone Blackout. You should try to add that. It's was a small area, where one person could look down over the whole walkway. It was usually a Sword guy who got you as you came up the ramp or out that door right belowe it.
Haha wow guys, lay off Vinny. Theres way too many little kids that post here that really dont know how to do things for the lulz Also good remake, Ive been getting pissed always falling off the edge trying to make-up jumps that were in lockout. It looks pretty similiar, hopefully it pulls through
thanks guys on the feedback. ill try to add the little antennae on B3, thanks for the tip! feel free to send me a request guys im always on. GT: iPELE
can you post a pic for every little thing that you did? Sorry I what to know every thing before I DL something. last thing what is with the whole Lift Tower? what do the shield doors do? why did you use a tele and man cannon?