
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Next Wednesday, Nov 3, 2010.

  1. Next Wednesday

    Next Wednesday Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Mojito V2

    Mojito V2[​IMG]
    Place ice in beverage shaker then add in the rum, 8 broken up mint sprigs, lime juice and sugar. Shake well and serve over ice in a high ball glass. Top off each glass with a splash of club soda. Garnish with a slice of lime and a sprig of mint.

    Mojito is a balanced, arena style slayer/ctf/assault map that also supports stockpile and headhunter. It's set in a large, mead hall style structure, but features mostly natural geometry, and a stream running under a bridge in its center. It has two relatively simple bases at either end.

    When making Mojito, I wanted to place an emphasis on simplicity to both highlight the major aesthetic piece (the mead hall structure enclosing the map) as well as to keep gameplay fast and clean.

    Version Update:
    -Removed Man Cannons
    -Added a strut beneath the center bridge to block LOS from sniper ridge to opposite side.
    -Updated spawn zones
    -Added blocks to front of bases to make ascent easier

    The map contains: (Weapon / Spawn time)
    6 DMRs / 45sec
    2 Needle Rifles / 30sec
    2 Needlers / 30sec
    2 Assault Rifles / 30sec
    2 Plasma Rifles / 30sec

    2 Magnums / 30sec
    1 Shotgun / 120sec
    1 Concussion Rifle / 120sec
    1 Sniper Rifle / 150sec
    1 Rocket Launcher / 150sec
    1 Sword / 150sec
    2 Mounted Machine Guns / 60sec
    18 Plasma Grenades / 15sec
    16 Frag Grenades /15sec
    2 Mongeese / 80sec

    Map view:

    View from the middle towards blue base:

    View from the middle towards red base:

    Red Base:

    Blue Base:

    I hope everyone enjoys it. If it generates some interest i'll update it for more gametypes and spawn zones and such.
    I'd like to give credit to The Maple Syrup for his help and contributions.

    Thanks everyone, and please let me know what you think!

    #1 Next Wednesday, Nov 3, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2010
  2. 7revor

    7revor Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks very cool, I love the location you chose, the little creek and the bridge add nice aesthetics, dL'ing!
  3. UltimateSlayer5

    UltimateSlayer5 Ancient
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    Holy sh*t, this map has trees. How do you spawn trees? By the way where is the download button for this.
  4. Grimz0r

    Grimz0r Forerunner

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    You cant add trees ultimateslayer, you just have to find an area in forgeworld that already has them. Looks like a really solid map Wednesday, ive actually made one in the same area on forgeworld, that stream is a really nice little aesthetic to work around. Will DL this as soon as i can.
  5. snowborn007

    snowborn007 Forerunner

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    Ah, so this is Mojito, wondered what you were talking about. I was just a little too preoccupied with my map. Looks nice though, interesting spot. I'll check it out.
  6. jonesmcmoney

    jonesmcmoney Forerunner

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    this map look reeaaalllyyy fun!! Hope this doesnt disappoint me. I'll come back with some feedback. DLed
  7. MONSTERheart

    MONSTERheart Ancient
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    I can honestly say this map looks far more promising than most of the maps I've seen on here. Definitely worth a look.
  8. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    This is a great map and tons of fun. Only issue was I noticed some frame rate issues on the end of the level with the glass windows above it.
  9. Next Wednesday

    Next Wednesday Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad people like the map so far. Let me know of any issues or improvements you may have. Nate, I haven't noticed any framerate drops, could you be a little more specific where this is happening? Thanks again guys.
  10. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    Sure. It's in the base area on the side with the windows above it. Like one side of the map is enclosed and the other side you can see out through the windows. On that side when I was going through the base I experienced some slow down. It wasn't game breaking but it was significant enough that I noticed.
  11. Next Wednesday

    Next Wednesday Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I see what you mean, its right by ramps in the very back of the base. I'll see what i can do to fix that.
  12. stinky earl

    stinky earl Ancient
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    I like this map. It has a great feel that reminds me of Beaver Creak or Valhalla.

    My critiques would have to be that the red base's line of sight is severely hindered by the tree right in front of it, where blue base can see just about everything. Not sure how to fix it, but in a CTF or Assault game type this could hurt a sniper or DMR user trying to stop a flag thief.

    This brings me to my only other critique. I think the map is too small for the mancannons and the mongooses. A flag or bomb runner can easily cover half the distance of the small map by using the mancannons. So in order to steal a flag, all you rally have to do is make it out of the base and your essentially half way home. The same argument can be made against the mongooses. They allow you to cover too much ground in such a small space, and the terrain is a little difficult to drive through so fast.
  13. needy154

    needy154 Forerunner

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    map looks very well balanced...any1 add if needing custom players GT: machuka01
  14. Next Wednesday

    Next Wednesday Ancient
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    So I playtested the map yesterday, and i've decided the mancannons probably do need to be removed, and the map badly needs spawn zones. Expect a version update over the weekend, and let me know if there's anything else you see that needs fixing. Thanks guys.
  15. AnotherClaymore

    AnotherClaymore Forerunner

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    I was there for the play test of this map, the weapon spawns seemed to work and i thought u did a good job providing cover across the open middle area. But for the bomb game we played, respawn zones are critical, for flag games also it helps alot. Maybe just a default Blue/Red zone would work but better flag/bomb at rest/away would be ideal.

    I was looking for an 'official' thread for testing this map, you should make one in the 'testers guild' section, that way those of us that were there can leave better more organized feedback.
  16. CaptainSize

    CaptainSize Forerunner

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    Amazing! Caught my eye right away. Great job on the layout and aesthetics. Too bad people playing inside wont get to see how awesome it looks on the outside. Has my dl!
  17. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This proves that sometimes simplicity is best. It looks to me like just enough parts were added to the map without overblowing it. Looks great, keep up the good work!
  18. Next Wednesday

    Next Wednesday Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey all, thanks for the continued feedback. So I did a version update on the map. I think I fixed the spawning issue during objective games, and I also took earl's advice and removed the man cannons. They had been a dumb, last minute addition when I freed up some budget and weren't necessary. I also added some sandbags and a vertical 5x1 flat piece to help with LOS issues and to keep gameplay more vertically oriented. In addition, I felt that the front "up-and-over" entrances to the bases were too inconsistent, so I added a couple 1x1 blocks to compensate.
    So, please D/L the new version and let me know of any other issues you come across.

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