
Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Lamasutra, Nov 2, 2010.

  1. Lamasutra

    Lamasutra Forerunner

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    Hello dear Forgehub. My name is Lamasutra, and you probably don't know me. This map is a reason to correct this mistake.
    Let me introduce a friend of mine, Ultime Sushi (my GT in game because I have no real friends).

    - Here is my latest map, a big maze. But I will let a friend of mine (creator of the map) helping me to explain. Will you, dear Ultime Sushi ?

    - Of course, master Lamasutra !
    Well, as you may have guessed, this map looks like a maze. In fact, it's a maze !

    - Hell yeah ! Thank for your help, little bot, but what else ?

    - This labyrinth is not like others, you see ? No ? Come inside, I will show you.

    - Ok ! *jump inside* And then ?

    - Now just listen to me !
    First of all, this maze is compatible with every single gametype (except race and invasion for obscure reasons) and for 2-16 players. That include infection, slayer, assault, odbball, king of the hill, headhunter, juggernaut, stockpile, territories...

    - Wow really ?? That's amazing ?!

    - Not exactly, in fact I was laughing for stockpile and territories. Nobody play these shits, do they ?

    - Right. Go on.

    - It's compatible with infection so you can do your own gametypes like Pacman, Minotaure or such things withouth opening the forge mode to set up the spawns !
    Otherwise, the maze is alive and evolving. A few walls appear while you play. Thus, even when you begin to know the path of the maze, you will still have to be lucky if you don't want to be lost ! Even after one hundred games, you won't be able to avoid the randomness part linked with this game.

    - Nice idea. It's like you have put a maze in your maze, right ?

    - What ?

    -Nothing, continue your explanation stupid bot.

    Before the sequel of your drama, here are some screenshots :



    - As you can see, this maze is unique because it has a heart made
    of crystal. It means the center is made of glass ! I can promise you that it's very stressfull, especially in infection or juggernaut.


    Look and laugh with me at this angry but inefficient lamasutra !


    - OK. Next important thing. You have even color lights which appear only in team gametypes to help you to know where is the opposite base and never run in the wrong direction !

    - That's what you call "important" ? Are you laughing at our readers ? I'm gonna pummel you, you know...

    - Sorry, sincerely sorry my master... Look at this : it includes an awesome invisible bareer against jepacking guys which made them bug ! You can't cheat with my labyrinth. Test it if you have balls !

    Gravity failz !!


    - Ouch, it's very effective :S

    - And I have better. Look at this insame curly rain you make when you fire bullets. I should be awarded by the Nobel peace prize !


    - ...
    You are totally mad. Explain me where is the exit now.

    - But there are no exit, my ex-master. It was a trap, and you dun goofed ! Now I am free, I am free AH AH AH AH AH (insert demonic laugh).

    - Damned !

    I hoppe you will enjoy the map. You can transform it, I don't care about credits. Just have fun, and never forget the equation :

    one download = one happy llama + one happy sushi


    #1 Lamasutra, Nov 2, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2010
  2. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    Mind = blown

    Can't wait to try this out, I love how the maze walls are see through, makes it more amusing
  3. jakey babs

    jakey babs Ancient
    Senior Member

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    dude now that was a refreshing post you had like an epic story of robot prejudice to go with the map. very interesting. this looks like a bigger version of lost chamber which is nice and the fact that you can see through the walls adds an extra layer to the game. Walls spawn in to mix it up which is also sick. Last but not least you guys went the extra mile to make it compatible with all game types. this has to be the best labyrinth/maze map out there keep up the good work man.
  4. AriiMoose

    AriiMoose Forerunner

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    Damn it, someone beat me to my idea yet again, with spawning in walls and everything. Only thing you didn't steal is my idea for a gametype.

    Sigh... Back to the drawing board...

    EDIT: Don't get me wrong, I would never have done a job as good as this.
    #4 AriiMoose, Nov 4, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2010
  5. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Dammit, this maze looks waaaay better than mine, which I am also building in the Coliseum

    Well done on making the walls and building blocks blend how you did... I always find their different thicknesses to be an issue.
    If you don't ant people to jump out of the map, why not roof it or not allow jetpacks?

    Or you could roof it, but have the roof higher, so people with jetpacks can get over the walls but not-
    oh wait, they'd camp on top of the walls... :/

    Nvm, still a download from me :)
  6. Lamasutra

    Lamasutra Forerunner

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    I couldn't put the wall higher because I ran out of budget.
    And I think it's better without a roof which would makes you feel more confined.

    But it's not really important because a real maze is meant to be played without jetpacks. It's just in ccase people would launch the game withouth forbidding the us of the jetpack.

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