Hey, I'm Packeranatic, Pack, or just Nic. Long time halo fan, played everything except for the RTS, and I found forgehub at about 1 1/2 years ago I think while searching for maps online instead of through friends. I commonly used to alter the maps so as to add my own twists to competitive and mini-game maps. But then I stumbled across a map I couldn't tweak, that was more than just a simple puzzle. The map? Mind Gouge by Mander A1, and it inspired me (towards the end of Halo 3 era) to create my own. Now that Reach is out there are more items and unexplored opportunities. So basically I wanted to learn more and be more aware of the community's maps. Hope you're in need of another puzzle map fan. PS, if you ever need a signature done for you I have 3 years experience with Photoshop and would gladly take a request via PM. I won't post links to my work in my first post because I'm not that type of spammer
Go over to the GnA section and start up your own sig shop if you want to do some sigs. [Insert generic, bland welcome sentence here] Anyway, puzzle maps are one of the most uniquely funstrating gametypes in Halo. And fans are always welcome on my watch. [Insert even blander signing out sentence here]