Borderlands Level Cap Going Up, For Free So, got the update yesterday, also got my hunter to level 69 and tried to solo crawmerax... which I now view as impossible, even though I used to be able to do it at 61. I have become determined to find a pearlescent shield for him, particularly the anshin one. Anyways, discuss the update and what you've been up to on borderlands now that its been rebalanced.
I haven't played the game since the Claptrap DLC. Completed that with a friend, thought it was fun. It was stupid releasing the patch weeks after the DLC, we were both 61 and getting no EXP for playing it when it first came out, but we would if we were to play it now. Generally quite confused by this.
Yeah, I kinda wish they had waited on the dlc for the patch to come out at the same time, oh well, I guess I will experience it the way they ment with my siren.
Ugh, still havent finished all the circle of duty missions yet and their even harder now... ugh its such a pain in the ass.
I love the patch I have been playing non-stop with my hunter and farming the Eridian Promentory. So far I have found three powerful Eridian weapons, if anyone want's some weapons I find tell me what you need. I got from level 54 to 57 in one playthrough of the Eridian Promentory while looking for chests. I plan on finishing my Lilith's second playthrough so I can level up her weapons because it is so easy to do it since every enemy is scaled up to you. Lilith 58 - Mordecai 58 - Brick 50 - Roland 28