SPARTAN MART RE-OPENED REACHED #1 Most downloaded #5 Most recommended November 15th - 17th Downloads: 18,000+ _______________________________ Spartan Mart is Re-opened! Bigger, Better and more detail! This store is based off of a real life Best-Buy (Not actual size) Who said, "Spartan's can't go to the store?" Showcase Video YouTube - Spartan Mart [Halo Reach Showcase] Game modes: Slayer (Use forge, its the best) Parking Lot. Spikes! Pesky birds won't stand on my lamp posts! Entrance Sensors. People won't be stealing things here. Check Stands General view Return/Pick-up Electronics! Buy a TV! Hope you enjoy!
Nice job Stopex! Looks much better then the other one. The only thing I doubt Is why there's a Falcon in the parking lot. Did somebody die and call Care Flight? Great map though! Got my download.
Daang! I remembered the original post for this map. You improved your spartan mart map really well. Not only it has a lot of detail, but it actually looks like a real department store. Very nice. 4/5
(Thanks for good feedback) Yes I really tried improving the style of Spartan Mart. I started from scratch on this map though. Really put some thought into it. This Spartan Mart is based souly off of the Best buy of where I live.. -Stopex
Wow nice. I'm glad you improved it from the first one. The small additions make it really much better, and the parking lot is awesome. Glad you got rid of the car from inside of the first version, but did you take the fridges out?! i liked those I actually think this would be a pretty cool competitive map though. great job! I think i'd be a bit more worried about the tank xD
Yeah I really thought it over and went with a more best buy feel. Had to start from stratch. The tank is really not a problem actually. Just don't go outside.
ELITES!?!?!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!1111 Elites WILL knock over shelves, eat the Tv's, impregnate spartans, and destroy the world using the spartan/elite offspring! They'll be called Spelites!
(Thanks for the good feedback) Yeah, I tried my best to make it look as similar as possible to a general store. I ended up make a Best Buy type map but, Hey.. its still a fun aesthetic map.
It was pretty cool checking this creation out in person with the individual behind its origin. The electronic theme to this version was interesting while keeping the original store-based theme. Also live feedback is always better than thread posts. Nicely done Stopex