Council (1.1)

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by DissYraiN, Nov 4, 2010.

  1. DissYraiN

    DissYraiN Forerunner

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    Updated: Rocks in the pools (oblique angles to fall on and cover)

    Moar Asthetic!

    2nd Level

    Top Level. Updated: one way shields to prevent the numerous accidental falls.

    "New Alexandria City Council closed this park to the public due to lawsuits involving the lack of safety railings. 4-8 Players."

    DOWNLOAD: : Halo Reach : File Details

    This is the updated version of my already awesome map, Council. This is the map I am submiting to Forgetacular so I wanted it to play perfectly. the two main updates are:

    1. One way shields in all the "holes" in the top platform to both prevent numerous accidental falls and slow jet-packing players going up the lifts to prevent them from splattering on the ceiling. It also makes the top less "campable"

    2. Rocks added to the pools which increase the chance you hit an oblique angle on a fall, saving you. Besides, who doesn't like throwing rocks off a ledge into water?

    So, PLEASE download this if you downloaded the first version of Council. In your file browser under Forge World the map will not show up next to the other "c" maps. I put a space before the name to help differentiate. Also, in the description it will say "4-8 players" instead of 4-12.

    Thanks for downloading and have fun playing!!
    #1 DissYraiN, Nov 4, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2010
  2. jonesmcmoney

    jonesmcmoney Forerunner

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    why'd you make a new version? The other one looked really cool! But I'll take a look at this one and be back to tell you what I think.
  3. DissYraiN

    DissYraiN Forerunner

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    This is the second favorite map (next to Vertichron 34) of my friends and I to play customs on. In a simple 6 person FFA, even after extensive experience on this map, we would average at least 15 collective suicides (not to mention falls that counted as kills) just from falling through the 5 holes in the top. This was reduced to maybe 2 or 3 after I added the shield doors.

    As for the rocks, I think they look cool. I originally wanted to add them but I never did.

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