Scoring System For Sports Maps

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Webmercenary, Nov 3, 2010.

  1. Webmercenary

    Webmercenary Forerunner

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    I was just wondering if anyone knew how to do the same scoring system used in Revball. I usually like to figure things like this out but I just cant seem to get it working and we have no way of downloading the map itself to see for ourselves. The way I have it setup, the flagstand is in a 1x1 box so that when the flag spawns it cannot be placed in the box so it falls ontop of a fusion coil below. When the ball rolls through the goal it sets off a landmine which inturn sets off the fusion coil causing the flag to drop into the stockpile goal for the scoring team. While this works it also causes sometimes either 1,2, or even 3 flags to drop in the goal. I have the gametype set to only have 2 flags at one given time (One for each goal) but it still spwans more. Does anyone know a better way to do this or if this is correct and I am just doing something wrong with it?
  2. Boots

    Boots Ancient
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    It is really easy. The original map to use that scoring system was "Smashball". Here's a link to it: Smashball

    Just download that map and you can take apart the scoring system to see how it was made.
  3. lncendios

    lncendios Forerunner

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    I dont think he is able to dl maps. I beleive revball incorporates a soccer ball being the goal. It rolls down a path when hit by a golfball. It then hits the flags and goes over the edge. Then a new round starts. At least thats what I remember, I may have gotten some of it incorrect.
  4. Wheels36

    Wheels36 Ancient
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    In my Revball game, I have a fusion coil set as (stp flag) which causes it to spawn the flag. The flag then falls down on another fusion coil as you said. I have all explosives respawn times at 10-15 seconds (i forget lol)...that way you don't get 2-3 scores per goal. Even if the flag captures after 1 second, no more flags will spawn until the fusion coils respawn.

    Also, I found out you cant set capture plates to Spawn at Start: FALSE. So i used a simple block with the (stp goal) tag for the stockpile score zone. Then I set it to Spawn at Start: FALSE, and 9 second spawn time. That way the goals spawn 1 second before the game timer does and you can score a flag with 1 second remaining. If you let the goals spawn at start, when the game timer begins, the stockpile goals are already at 5 seconds remaining. This is because they spawn when the rest of the objects do, before you begin playing and the game timer begins. The problem was that it caused the final flag capture to happen at 10 seconds remaining and you couldnt score the final 10.

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