Remake Inclusion

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by GooberGrape, Oct 18, 2010.

  1. GooberGrape

    GooberGrape Forerunner

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    After playing many so-called "perfect" and "1:1 scale" Lockout recreations, I became frustrated and annoyed. Some of them had certain aspects right, but the rest of the map just didn't feel right or had severe framerate issues that made the map unplayable.

    If you want something done right, you'll have to do it yourself...

    ...and so Inclusion was born. I worked on this for a week straight by running Halo 2 on an Xbox with 2 controllers and Reach with 2 controllers (to get the lines of sight near perfect). I would say 50+ hours of labor has been put into it so far. Because we don't live in a perfect world, I'm not expecting 1:1 scale. I believe this is the most accurate Lockout remake to date though.

    Inclusion v2 is now available. Updates include:
    --BR1 to BR2 jump (you can do it without the coil at the right angle)
    --Redesigned Sniper Tower and Top Lift
    --Indent in S3 is bigger and true to the original
    --Shortcut to S3 is now easier
    --Now supports Assault, CTF, Oddball, and KOTH (let me know if there are any problems)
    --Framerate issue from S3 to Top Lift is gone
    --LoS from suicide to BR3 (not as wide as original though)
    --Many geometry fixes

    Known issues in v2:
    --Slight framerate issue when looking at under glass from entrance to bottom lift (I'm pretty sure it's the glass that's causing it)
    --Some less used jumps are just not possible without ruining the integrity of the map. Only solution is to increase jump height/gravity.

    Issues that probably won't be fixed:
    --Ledge jumps to either side of under glass

    Besides the above mentioned flaws, everything else is as accurate as humanly possible with the tools provided. Don't take my word for it, here are the pictures:

    Inclusion v2:


    Green Room:

    Under Glass:

    Above Glass:

    Sniper Tower (Yes, you can bounce grenades off the wall like before):

    Back view:


    Top Lift:

    Bottom Lift:

    Bottom Lift 2:

    BR1 to BR3 walkway:

    *Some aesthetic changes are in mind and will be included in future releases (mainly sniper tower and the very top of lift).

    If you find any issues at all (besides the few I mentioned earlier), please let me know and I will work on fixing them as soon as possible. Thanks and I hope you enjoy.
    #1 GooberGrape, Oct 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 4, 2010
  2. bmurf

    bmurf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I hope that this plays better than the others. Framerate kills every decent remake of lockout even when they claim to have no lag. Also, you guys should stop building by the the waterfall. Although it looks nice, it adds to the framerate issues. I am not saying it does on this map because I have not tested it yet, but it does on many others.
  3. GooberGrape

    GooberGrape Forerunner

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    I don't think the waterfall is the reason for the lag when zooming in from Snipe3 to Top Lift. I think it's caused by the island in Forge World that's far off in the distance behind Lift. The 360 just can't handle rendering it well from a distance...
  4. bmurf

    bmurf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That could add to it but I think it caused by too many objects overlapping on the structure. If you take a colosseum wall and cover the left side, the framerate issue almost disappears completely.
  5. Nick3zz

    Nick3zz Forerunner

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    It does look really good when you see those pictures. But to be honest, this one is no different in relation to all the other Lockout remakes, it does look A LOT like the original, but it is far from perfect. For intence, that little room beneath the top center looks nothing like it did on Lockout. So I'm sorry, but I'll give this one thumbs down :/
  6. GooberGrape

    GooberGrape Forerunner

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    I did some testing and I solved the problem. I put some coliseum walls all the way on the island itself to cover up the trees/landscape. I made it as non-intrusive as possible and it works very well.

    I never said it was perfect. I think you should go run through the original Lockout yourself again. I made sure that under glass was extremely close to the original.

    I've been working on the next release and have updated a lot:


    • Framerate issue when zooming into Top Lift from Snipe3 with a sniper is now fixed -Fixed a number of geometry problems
    • Added objective gametypes (KOTH, Oddball, 1 Flag, 2 Flag, etc)
    • Added an additional section to the shortcut jump to Snipe3 so it's easier to make

    Soon to be fixed:

    • LoS from suicide to BR3
    • Top lift to BR1 jump
    • BR1 to BR2 jump

    Known issues that probably won't be fixed:

    • Ledge jumps to either side of under glass

    Any other feedback would be greatly appreciated.
    #6 GooberGrape, Oct 19, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2010
  7. Nick3zz

    Nick3zz Forerunner

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    You said you were sick of bad remakes, and sorry, but i didn't mean the room right beneath the mid-platform. I meant the room where the shotgun spawns, it was a stupid explanation from my side.

    EDIT: oh, and I've acually played on that map like 9000 times in Halo 2 =P though it is a very good remake, that's for sure :)
    #7 Nick3zz, Oct 19, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2010
  8. GooberGrape

    GooberGrape Forerunner

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    Are you talking about aesthetic value or what exactly? The dimensions to the room are near perfect (length and width wise). It is just a tad short in height though.

    Inclusion v2 is now available. Updates include:
    --BR1 to BR2 jump (you can do it without the coil at the right angle)
    --Redesigned Sniper Tower and Top Lift
    --Indent in S3 is bigger and true to the original
    --Shortcut to S3 is now easier
    --Now supports Assault, CTF, Oddball, and KOTH (let me know if there are any problems)
    --Framerate issue from S3 to Top Lift is gone
    --LoS from suicide to BR3 (not as wide as original though)
    --Many geometry fixes

    Known issues in v2:
    --Slight framerate issue when looking at under glass from entrance to bottom lift (I'm pretty sure it's the glass that's causing it)
    --Some less used jumps are just not possible without ruining the integrity of the map. Only solution is to increase jump height/gravity.

    Issues that probably won't be fixed:
    --Ledge jumps to either side of under glass
    #8 GooberGrape, Oct 22, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2010
  9. wargex

    wargex Forerunner

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    Here is a problem... your link is broken...
  10. Jolan

    Jolan Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Link is broken but I downloaded the map through your gamertag and general fileshare.. I can already see some issues from the screenshots, will get you a more specific review.

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