The Cage [Remake] 4 To 16 Players Fit for most gametypes. Mainly designed for Slayer. I have made a few changes to the original version of The Cage Which I think improve the flow of the map, and encourage map movement somewhat. I would some feedback on the changes that you will notice in game for a 4 v 4 slayer gametype preferablely. I've added a few secrets that aren't that noticeable to the casual eye, but if you find them, they are little nooks, ledges and jumping spots that can help you get around the map even easier. Thanks.
Ok, I downloaded it and will tell you what I like and dislike.. I like that there's a grav lift down by the plasma launcher spawn, but I dislike that you have to just to get to the platform that it's on. Just delete the railing or something. Also the way you removed the glass cover looks weird to me.. should still be a railing there.
Hey, if you're going to make a useless post telling him to do something he already should've, you could at tell him how. LOL PICZ WhAT? In my opinion, The Cage plays very well, better than a lot of the Forge remakes they gave us. NO ONE ELSE NEEDS TO COMMENT ON HIS LACK OF PICTURES. Fix or be LOCKED. EDIT: Well, it appears you've been blacklisted from This means a couple things. 1. You did something to get yourself blocked there (don't repeat here). 2. Your DL link doesn't lead to your file share. Do us all a favor and re-read the rules.
Thanks for the Photo tut link. Download Link has been fixed and pictures are up! although a few minor changes have been made since these pictures have been taken.
While we're linking stuff maybe you'd like to have a read of the latest news post on Bnet. Its got some information about how The Cage was designed. I think I see what you have tried to do here but you've done it for the wrong reasons. The Cage has few straight paths. Its actual quite a complex map with interconnecting routes although it appears to be just a few platforms. What you have done is thought "I want to get from A to B without going via C" and added a load of straight paths. Actually, you definitely need to read that news post. In trying to correct and encourage better flow you actually just lots of paths to make it easier for everyone to get to the main platform to just shoot each other. This does not improve flow, this reduces the amount of the map which is used because everyone now knows they can quickly get to the main platform which is where everyone will head because they know they can get lots of easy kills there because it will be where everyone is headed because now there are so many straight paths to get there (cycle continues) So yeah, I like the original Cage and perhaps the one thing I might change (which I notice you didn't) is the covering along the path leading up to the sniper spawn. I know you can get up there but there is only 1 thin ramp leading up to it, I'd probably stick another block at the other end so you can jump up.
as you can see the last screenshot is illogical. the pentameter of the parabola is implausible. the E=mc^2 of the right angle is trimeter perpendicular to the infertile glands. (In English, this map is not good)