Stage One Hey guys! This is my first attempt at a map. It's small and symmetrical. Plays pretty quick in a 4v4 TS settings. The screenshots are from the MLG settings but this version has more weapons and extra lifts with some various other non-mlg tweaks. Would love some feedback or critiques. Onto the screenshots.. Updates v2.0: Link is updated above... 1-Updated Top & Bottom Mid 2-Fixed spawns & City drop offs. I was told I should update my screenshots so here are the new ones: Orange Overview: Overview: Top Red: Red 2: Rock Jump Up to Red: Lift to Red: Green Overview: Green 2: Jump Up to Green 3: Top Mid: Bottom Mid: Download Stage One
Thanks, I'm currently going through a bunch of maps on here to check out, your map in the sig looks like something I would like playing on, so i'll be jumping on it later today. FB soon
This looks fun, I'll download and take a little look. I see that you tried using Aesthetics to make it look pretty . Thats what I like about newcomers if they try to make it look good.
I had the chance to play this map along with a few others I downloaded with a few friends tonight just before getting off, I really enjoyed it. Nice and open but yet still has enough cover to fall behind if you are about to die. Near perfect symmetry also gives the teams an even playing field, which is something I really like. I actually can't think of anything bad to say about the map itself. Lol but I did get annoyed when my friend decided to camp with the concussion rifle >_< that cheap son of a...
This is quite a nice looking map, i have to agree about those skyscraper looking things, almost give it a bit of an urban feel to it.
Nice map, the only complaint I have is there no guard rails on the ramps towards cityscape aesthetics. Fell to my doom a couple times defending myself running backwards over there. Other then that, the flow does feel right and fun!
Thanks for checking it out FlaPvsJack. I actually had that area even more open than it is and had some complaints of an easy fall while staffing or backing up. I'll put up some rails on those ramps, or something that doesn't make it too easy to fall out on. Glad you like the flow and thanks for the feedback
Gave this a good run through today... My main complaint is the team spawns... Too dominating of a position from that height, and if one team gets control of both snipers then its game over. The central ramp is a bit meh to me. I'd flip it so that it traverses gold and green side instead. Also add in a small platform to the center of it, ala midship style. Fill in minor gaps on the green side to prevent crawling under/behind scenery. If it's not meant to be played on, don't have it accessible. Add some railings to the back of gold side so that its not so easy to fall off during a DMR duel. Change the glass cover at rocket spawn to something more vulnerable. And make it so that the top of red and blue base are no longer accessible. Those would be my suggestions. Over all, beautiful map. Nice work.
Thanks for all the constructive ideas SecretSchnitzel, I'll run through them and see if I can make those adjustments so it plays better. One thing, what do you mean by not having the tops of Red & Blue base no longer accessible. As a respawn area? Initial spawns I thought would be just fine @ top, but should I remove top respawns or keep the initial team spawns below top bases?
I would drop the initial spawns down one tier and remove the respawns there. The tops of the bases in general really powerful positions and seem to throw off the chemistry of the map. If a team hold top control of their own base and top of green side, it's going to become a very one sided game. By removing the tops of the bases from the game, it encourages players to move through out the map to other positions more than only to collect power weapons when they spawn.
good looking map I like how you have it looking like a city. Or buildings. Nice use of the forge. Dl from me.
When you gonna have V2.0 up? I saw some pics at the MLG forums where you had made some changes and I'm looking forward to checkin 'em out.
The v.2 versions are up, I just didn't rename them but shows in the description. I had quite a bit of dl's on the old version and this one is just getting some now. It plays SOO much better thanks to your suggestions. Really helpful, thanks a lot man!
When I look at this map, all I can say is... OMFG WHERE THE SHIZ DID YOU GET THIS AMAZING IDEA FROM!! (pardon my french) I am 100% going to DL this. It is too amazing to be ignored. I wouldn't be surprised if your map gets into the featured maps, or even the BOFH (best of forge hub). Until Next time, -MattV01
I'll definitely be giving this one a download. The aesthetics are great, the design is great, and it seems to have everything a good map needs.
I really love the look of the map from the shots & it looks just as cool during gameplay. I download both versions and the flow feels great! It is a bit small, but it depends on taste, feels like it has enough cover no matter where you are. I would say that the weapons on this version are a little too much even with small clips but the MLG version is just about right imo.
Thanks Matt, Guardian and sponsor, I will have some good fb on your maps soon but totally busy in forge in the free time atm. Trying to make the deadline, better to enter then to not try at all imo.
I can't believe this has fallen so far away from the first page. Such a shame for an excellent map like this to be buried so deep in the vault here.