HOG WARS A very addicting mini game that involves the famous Warthogs at battle. Your team is against the enemy team in an above-ground fight with warthogs. You spawn at each of your bases and jump in a warthog, roll down the ramp at fast speeds going across the field ramming into your opponent. You must force them over the edge in this competitive gametype and fight to the death. The objective of this is to use a warthog and make the enemies fall off of the edge of the platform you're on, or force them into the infamous Death Trap at either end of the platform. There are several other obstacles for you to dodge and/or use to destroy the opposing team and laugh as they propel toward the ground below and be shattered to pieces. I've created this map in the past hour or two because I've found out about Forgehub from a friend of mine that's created Brain Train that you might've saw, which is an amazing puzzle/obstacle course that could frustrate you, but at the same time make you want to get to the end after every attempt. Anyways, I've wanted to make Hog Wars a popular thing (Hopefully). Hog Wars has been an idea i've had over a year since the release of Halo 3 with forge. It was incredibly hard to create a good Hog Wars map that would let you have the hours of fun you wanted out of it. Now i'm back and creating Halo: Reach maps for Hog Wars which has turned out very fun. (At this time (1:30 AM EST 11/2/2010) I have not thought of a way for teams to score. If you have a idea, tell me. You can damage people by ramming them at HIGH speeds and running them off the side (I believe so) and getting a kill. But i'm not 100% sure of this. If I set the death to +1 point, people would jump off the side just to win.) Gametype Setup: You can't kill other players. You can't assassinate or headshot anyone. You have no grenades, and little amount of ammo if any. Indestructible Vehicles. 7 Lives per round, and 5 Rounds! You and everyone else can only DRIVE a warthog, You can't get in the passenger seat nor the turret. The rules of Hog Wars are pretty simple; Stay in a warthog as much as you can. Don't try to kill others because you really can't. Splattering people is part of the fun, so do it for maximum laugh! Don't go up the ramp to the the opposing team's, or your own team's base and sit there, Get driving and get your rage out! If you can hijack, Hijack them! Hijackers can easily avoid it by running off of the edge right before they kick you out so that you land on the platform and you watch them fall to their death. That's about all of the rules for Hog Wars. Elites can play the same too. The loadouts are just for fun and games. They do nothing to alter the game experience besides you yelling in your mic "I'M GOING TO BE LING LING YEAAAH!". If this becomes a popular variant I will start making new maps of Hog Wars which feature different game mechanics (Hog Wars; that is) for each besides the same as before. On to the pictures! First Picture is of the Blue Side Second Picture is of the Red Side Third Picture is of the Front-Down view of the entire play field Fourth Picture is of the Death Trap at either ends of the platform Fifth Picture is of the middle obstacles you must avoid/use to defeat your foes Blue Side's Base Red Side's Base Front-Down View of Platform Death Traps of Death Middle Obstacles Remember, Post feedback for me so I can improve this! The more people the more fun, but this limits you to 8 people currently. I could make a map for more people but I don't know if many people would like this or not. So tell me if you think it looks cool and such so I could get a good idea. I really hope you like it, I put lots of effort in it. P.S. If this made very little sense, I'm very tired at the time of writing this and I've wrote a LOT of stuff over this. ^_^ Thanks, Serfma
Looks cool but I'n the end this is just going to be another monster truck game. Try doing something really original I't makes a huge difference to your Dl views ect, not yto mention your fame.
As far as scoring goes, you could just make it an elimination type of game where you lose when you run out of lives, or subtract points for death and it will have the highest scoring team with the most possible of 0. Like the other guy said, you should try to come up with something original. The map you made makes it interesting though.
It's really not a 'monster truck' game as you say. You don't run over others and crush them, you and teammates literally push them off the edge to kill them. It's actually very fun if you tried it. Remember, the more people, the much more fun it is.
That what monster trucks is -_- Anyway, try adding something to make it more unique like others said, or else this will just get buried like all the other monster truck maps. Good Luck!
Unless you're meaning Halo Reach 'Monster Trucks'. If you aren't, I have no clue what country your from that forces trucks off the edge of a platform to death.