This is a small map I made for small games like FFA (free for all) slayer and KOTH. (King of the hill) Also, this map plays Normal CTF as a bonus for team games. I might add more some other time. Dont camp! Also i have the screenshot in my file share!:
You need some pictures or the thread will get locked
ACTUALLY, you have to press 'go advanced'!!!! im not a noob to any forum! i THINK i know what the edit button is!! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Wait, how to u get an EXACT picture url??
BTW better save your pictures and upload them to imageshack/tinypic and post them here. Then you have more space in your file share.
No need for hostility now >_< You click on the 'edit' button, you can choose to go advanced if you want but it's not required. But you need to take some screenshots of the map. One is the minimum I believe, but it's better to have more. Once you have your screenshots, go to and go to your gamertag page. In the side bar to the left look for "recent screenshots," they'll be in there. After you find that, you go to each individual picture and highlight the URL in the urlbox, either copy it or cut it, and then do the following code (without the periods); [.img]URL GOES HERE[./img]