This map is a remake of my first foundry map using the interlocking technique.Lock N Load 2 is a medium size map.Lock N Load 2 is a symmetrical and well-balanced map. Here is the link to my map: Gametypes recommended Slayer/Team Slayer The weapons on the map are: 8 Battle Rifles spare clips 2 respawn rate 30 2 Spikers spare clips 2 respawn rate 10 2 Neelders spare clips 2 respawn rate 45 2 Smgs spare clips 2 respawn rate 10 2 Maulers spare clips 1 respawn rate 45 2 plasma Rifles respawn rate 10 1 Sniper Rifle spare clips 2 Respawn rate 120 1 Shotgun spare clips 2 respawn rate 120 1 rocket Launcher spare clips 1 respawn rate 180 1 Energy Sword respawn rate 120 2 Brute Shot spare clips 2 respawn rate 90 1 plasma pistol respawn rate 60 2 carbines spare clips 2 respawn rate 30 1 Secret weapon respawn rate 180 The Eqiupment on the map are: 2 Grav lifts respawn rate 60 2 Bubble shields respawn rate 60 1 power drainer respawn rate 60 1 regenerater respawn rate 60 The Power Ups on the map are: 1 Camo respawn rate 120 1 overshield respawn rate 120 Recomended party size:2-8 And here are some pics map overview Energy sword room leading to stairs overview of one of the starting points street with dumpster and fusion coils The Y-shaped walk-ways safe spawn in fence box with a shield door and fusion coils Stairs leading to sword room
First post... Anyway, you probably could have used more interlocking I really liked the Y-shaped walkway and the interlocked stair cases.
i really like this, and i like how you went back and remade your old map using interlocking. Really shows how much effort you like to put into your maps. Can't wait to see what you throw out when you get that mind of yours really working! =] 10/10 and a succesfull post! haha you dont know how many people cant do it -_-
Looks massive, I'll DL and get back to you on it (p.s. I agree, a little more interlocking would help make it look better).
Interlocking always helps, but I'd have to say you did better than a lot of people do. 8 to 9/10 from screenshots, will edit after playing.
Sorry to be super nitpicky but the wall by the sword is a bit crooked... I'll DL and try it out cuz it looks pretty cool
This for the most part looks great for an early map. You have a good and fun layout. The only thing I can critisize is a few crooked walls and things, make frames with boxes to get your walls perfectly straight and everything else. If you just clean up a little, it will be fine.
Maybe too plain, no forge tricks or anything. I'm sure its fun but it has so be appealing to the eye as well
I have three other maps.I need to remake two using the interlocking technique and I will be posting the other one real soon. And thank you all for all the replies.
I really like the map layout, but it doesn't look like interlocked a whole lot, I seen one or two spots that you did.
very good for your first map post! but i do think that there could be a few things lined up a little better...the wall by the sword for one, also the bridge in the middle should be level with the rest of the base there, and the fence wall in the middle of the 2 walls on top of the center structure looks to be tilted...these are a few examples of things that will severely help gameplay and aesthetics, keep up the goodwork though!
I used alot of interlocking.There are parts of the map that didn't interlock but if I did the map will be too small.
It looks pretty good, but if you have any bridges leftover, I'd replace the floating stairs; floating stairs just don't look very good.