Abstracto "It will twist your mind..." Overview Abstracto is a unique map built for competitive purposes but with a completely different style of play. Have your mind twisted as you navigate through the mind bending halls, rooms, and walkways. Built for a variety of game modes play any way you want in this unique structure based on a modern, abstract painting. Weapon List 4 DMRs (2 spare clips) 45 sec respawn 2 Needle Rifles (2 spare clips) 45 sec respawn 2 Assault Rifles (2 spare clips) 30 sec respawn 1 Sniper Rifle (1 spare clip) 90 sec respawn 1 Magnum (2 spare clips) 30 sec respawn 1 Plasma Pistol 30 sec respawn 1 Shotgun (1 spare clip) 60 sec respawn 1 Energy Sword 60 sec respawn 1 Concussion Rifle (2 spare clips) 60 sec respawn 1 Grenade Launcher (5 spare clips) 60 sec respawn 1 Needler (2 spare clips) 45 sec respawn 1 Mounted Machine Gun 90 sec respawn 2 Frag Grenades 30 sec respawn 2 Plasma Grenades 30 sec respawn 4 health packs 30 sec respawn Pictures Rate, comment, download, and enjoy!
mind = blown GREAT reinterpretation of distortion, i love the addition of all the walkways, those should add an interesting twist to the map. I like dice too, great map (even though it pisses me off when im playing it as did distortion) DLed
Awesome map. Distortion was awesome, but this is way better(duh, it's in reach). Black and white affect was really good. Weapons are good, with not overly powerful weapons. Awesome map yet again.
This is absolutely insane. I don't know exactly how competitive this would be but it sure looks great. I'll give it a dl and see how crazy it plays.
It can actually play quite competitively if you have a competitive mind set but yes, very differently. Also yes, this map was originally inspired by distortion but I haven added many creative twists to it and an entirely new, larger layout that I think greatly improves the map.
Was one of the first people to play test this map and let me tell you it is a really awesome map. Fun and confusing to play. Great concept recommend a download.
Now that's what I'm talking about. Good looking map there. I was going to make one along those lines, but I've been working on other ones for the moment. I'll have to download this and check it out.
Finally got around to playing this last night. First tried infection and it was really fun but pretty hard as a human. Then we played some slayer pro and it was chaotic fun. We ended with some CTF and it was fun and fairly competitive but the map is great. Good stuff.
Thanks man yeah it definitely takes a while and after a few hours of forging everything in real life seems to be tilted a bit lol Yeah CTF and any FFA gametype I think works best with this map although assault and TS are fun too. Good times playing oddball where every time you die the ball goes rolling away lol. Glad you liked it though.
So Far From The Screen shots, This Map Looks Amazing...But I Don't Think You Understand....This Map Needs To Be In Aesthetic As Well As Casual Maps. Nobody Will Accuse You Of Double Posting Because It Qualifies. Be Back In A Min With The Review.
I downloaded, but I feel bad for the first person who built a map like this in H:R (Walkwalker was the map) it was very interesting, but it was symmetric so not nearly as explorable. Anyway, this looks like it leans towards casual, so I'll try infection on it.
As I Figured...Amazing. If You Ever Wanna Forge Sometime My Gamertag Is Sanguine Helios. Check Out My Map And Send Me A Friend Request If You Like It - Escher Prototype Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
complete mind f*ck... it reminds me of that modded h3 map on foundry where you were able to walk upside down and all that. I got dizzy and sick playing on that map lol. Oh and the complete mind f*ck comment is suppose to be a compliment
I might re-post it in casual maps but not both casual and aesthetic maps as it might seem like I'm trying to spam. I don't know if that is allowed or not yet though but I'll see. Haha thanks. Thanks, btw, what is H:R? Yeah infection is pretty fun to play on this map.
Great map, but there is no way I could play a game on it. It reminds me of that game Prey, and that game gave me serious headaches with all the gravity switching. Though I would like to know how you did that.
Wow, this map is very very trippy. Up is not up and left is not left. Hah, this map must have taken so long to build, but I don't see a good game coming out of it and I don't think that's what this map was made for anyway. Very very cool design and extremely intrigue. Make more maps like this!
Hah thanks. Like Distortion, it is just based on 45 degree angles. Gameplay is actually pretty fun but yeah maybe it does lean more towards casual than competitive but oh well.
looks great. I must say that im getting tired of all thes wannabe distortion maps, but this must be the best so far