I've tried everything for creating territories on a map (just for the game territories, not invasion) but nothing works, and nothing shows up in-game. I can start the match up in customs, but when I do there are no territories. I've tried the "territories" label, the TERR_OBJECT label... on both hill markers and flag stands. How to I do it?
This has happened to lots of players (including me) now bungie might of accedentaly screwed up something in forge when they made the new update. The only thing we can do is wait untill someone notifies bungie that we can't make territories on forge.
wh- wh- WHAT!!!!!!?????? *steals a car, drives to Seattle or wherever the &*#$ bungie is, gets out a gun, casually shoots the security guards, and cries maniacally as I mow down countless innocent bungie employees* THAT'S OUTRAGEOUS!
You have to set the spawn order to something above 0. I would not advise above 5, as territories can only show up to 5. However, you can show more then 5 by doubling up on spawn orders by having 2 1s, 3 2s, etc.
Spawn Sequence must be a positive number. You can use sequences above 5, but you cannot place more than five TERR_OBJs (as only five will be used). In the gametype settings, you can have the game use fewer Territories than there are on the map; this is where Spawn Sequence comes in. In a Territories gametype that uses X Territories, the X TERR_OBJs with the lowest Spawn Sequences will be used, and the remaining ones will be ignored.