Ok i just played a game of matchmaking against a guy that had 73% commendations complete...... after the match i checked his service record and got a big surprise..... this kid had all campaign commendations onyxed plus 6 - 7 other onyxes..... how the hell do you get all campaign commendations onyxed especially support role (assists)????? If anybody knows how to do that than please tell me. i forget the guys gamertag so i cant really give you proof but im not lying. so please tell me if any of you know of a way to get those commendations onyxed.
trust me he isnt lying i went to his game history and found that guy here is the link Click Me To See A No Life Your welcome
ok that guy with 83% in your comment hacked the game.... if he didnt than he is a total no life noob..... theres no way to max all commendations in campaign and that many in firefight
Its quite simple actually the guy no lifed and just as was stated earlier he got nothing out of it. Commendations dont give enough of a credit reward to warrant no lifing just to get onyx and max.
Are you guys serious? Getting commendations is fun, especially when you get them legit. I have a couple of onyx commendations, its not like there is anything wrong with that is there? Is it illegal to be good at the game? I've almost got three in campaign, because its simply amazing, and i'm really close to getting my gold in firefight. Close enough in mm i guess, i may have it by the end of the week. And you know what? 41% or something like that. Know what it means? I'm awesome (plus i was sick for a whole week...)
Jex, I'm not saying that its wrong but to have that many onyx the guy had to no life it. I like getting commendations too, but I think its just stupid and a waste of time to just play to get commendations. The cR reward isnt worth it, infact if you max all of the campaign commendations you only get 95525cR.
I think commendations are a nice little boost. Most of the time I just play and I get them randomly. I don't go after a specific one.
Yeah, I just play and get commendations randomly, for now. Once I get enough I'll try for 100%, but thats not gonna be for a long while.
So boosting is fun? spend hours doing the same boring repetitive task over and over and over again is exciting? And what is with your stats 120 flawless cowboys? And you did winter contingency for zero seconds for an hour and a half worth of times.. THATS FUN TO YOU? Boosting is so boring and stupid. And I hope you are actually sick, because if you are staying home just to boost, that's really sad... Ps: Boosting is not "legit". Its legal as far as the game is concerned, but it, as far as the game community is concerned, is exploiting a function of the game; thus not "legit".
How is matchmaking any less boring and repetitive than campaign or firefight? And since when is boosting not legit? Last I checked, playing the game a lot does not count as "exploiting" it.
Anything that requires you to restart from last checkpoint over and over and over again hundreds of times is always boring and repetitive and, depending on the situation, boosting. If you argue with this point, then I will assume you are a person that often does what I'm talking about (by the looks of your commendations, you are not). And you're anti-social if you don't perceive the significant increase in entertainment value between single player and multiplayer. Unless there are large amounts of lag, or if your absolutely terrible ( I mean, "first time video game player bad"), I cant see any reason why you wouldn't enjoy MM more often than SP besides being anti-social. I would like to make the distinction between Boosting and grinding. Grinding, to me, means you focus all your effort on a particular aspect of a game, and spend all your time on that subject. I see things like getting onyx in headshots in firefight, as grinding. Boosting is using a mistake or an unchangeable function of the game to bypassing the intended difficulty of achieving something. And repeating that until you achieve whatever it is your trying to achieve. "Target-locater" thing, Flawless cowboy thing, tactical insertion in corner of the map with a friend on opposing team, that sort of thing... Boosting, is not legit...ever.. Grinding, is sometimes frowned upon, but it is legit.. Both are - at least from my first hand experience - boring as ****.
ok jupiter we get it you think its stupid and boring.... me and AMAC thinks its fun so just leave it at that.... you can play the game and have fun your way and we can do things our way
You cannot tell me that doing the Flawless cowboy exploit (definitely should have been patched), or checkpointing sowrd bas is fun. I can see how someone can say firefight is fun (gruntapocolapse is actually the first thing I did on live, just to pop the crap out of some grunts) But not the campaign boosting crap.
I just adore that, I make point, another person doesn't seem to get it, so I explain said point further too that other person, and another person comes in and says "OK WE GET IT! like I was talking to them"... Only on the internet... I'm just gonna go with, "whatever", and call it a day. ANYWAYS I recently was looking at a forum (gamefaq's I think; I can't keep track anymore) a few hours ago, and someone was talking about how there were people who were "legit" inheritors already... all I have to say is "Damn"
Not physically possible. If anyone is an Inheritor or has earned more than 2.94 million credits they hacked their game. To date it is only possible to have earned 2,940,000 cR. That's just over a 10th of the way there to being an Inheritor.