Pac Man - Map/Gametype

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Corkscrew96, Nov 2, 2010.

  1. Corkscrew96

    Corkscrew96 Forerunner

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    I'm proud to present a Pac Man map and gametype. The map itself is almost fully accurate to the original Pac Man map. Some adjustments (minor) have been made.

    The gametype is based on infection, but the humans have:

    • Unlimited Ammo
    • A Shotgun
    • x2 Frag Grenades
    • Sprint
    The zombies have:

    • Unlimited Ammo
    • An Energy Sword
    • Evade
    The humans are coloured yellow, and when the last man is declared, no waypoint is displayed. Zombies' speed has also been reduced to 110%, and the gravity is now 100%. The Zombies start in the area in the middle, and respawn there when killed.

    Here are some screenshots of the map:



    Note: The map has a cover of Colosseum walls to prevent people jumping out of the maze to gain an advantage, but these were removed to take the screenshots.

    Download the map
    Download the gametype

    I haven't played this myself, yet, so I'd be interested to hear what you think of it!

    Maybe an arrangement could be made to get 8-12 of us plaing this map. Let me know if you'd be interested in this.
    #1 Corkscrew96, Nov 2, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2010
  2. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    OK, that is clever.

    The only issue I see is that the concept is more for giggles than for its actual effect on the game. In actual practice it seems like it would just feel like a regular infection game, in a maze that doesn't particularly feel like Pac Man. It would be cool to make it more Pac-like for the players, but I don't know how you would do that exactly. I don't think there would be any way to emulate the "eating dots" dynamic. You could have custom power-ups like the ones in Pac Man that make it possible to kill the zombies/ghosts somehow, maybe? I don't know the particulars of how that would work but it would be pretty hilarious for the zombies to suddenly have to turn tail and run.

    It might also be amusing to have a platform high above that one player spawns on, and have that person do nothing but direct the humans through the maze and away from the zombies. Of course you'd have to remove your ceiling in that case, and either build the maze a little taller or make changes to the game settings to ensure players can never get over the walls.
  3. Corkscrew96

    Corkscrew96 Forerunner

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    I appreciate the feedback :)

    That thing with the powerups you talked about would be cool! Is there a way to:
    A) Make custom powerups collected by the human affect zombies?
    B) A way to make something spawn when that powerup is collected?

    If the answer to both those questions is yes, then if a powerup was collected by human, zombies damage resistance could be reduced to 10%, so could the other traits that affect their health, and they could be given plasma pistols instead of energy swords. Then a flashing light could spawn (only visible to zombies?) to let them know that they're in trouble.

    I doubt any of this is possible, though :(
  4. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, unfortunately I have no idea! Go into your custom game type and see what is allowable in the custom power-up traits. I have barely looked at this in Reach so I don't know a whole lot about it.

    Oh - one thought occurs to me. You could give the humans some weak weapon with only short range effect, so basically if a zombie attacks they would usually be doomed. Then make the custom power-up either give them super-overshields or increase their damage, or both (not sure what all is possible). That way they would suddenly be much more dangerous and harder to kill, and if you gave them an overshield they'd be visibly different so that the zombies would know to stay away from them temporarily.

    Then the only question is if you can make it so that only humans can pick up the power-ups. Not sure if Infection game types allow that or not.
    #4 Nutduster, Nov 2, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2010
  5. Corkscrew96

    Corkscrew96 Forerunner

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    I've updated the gametype and map to fix a couple of things todo with weapons and respawning issues.

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