Bunny Tracks

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Bandolero Sr, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. Bandolero Sr

    Bandolero Sr Forerunner

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    Is anyone familiar with Bunny Tracks from Unreal Tournament 99? It was a gamemode where the maps you played were extremely difficult obstacle courses, while the only way your team could score points was by reaching the end of the course. Though some maps were fairly easy, the maps prove to significantly improve getting progressively harder.

    Well in any case Halo's Forge is a lot more convenient then the Unreal Editor used back in the day. Bunny Tracks is one of the gamemodes I think Forge could take on with great success and pull out some awesome BT maps. With as creative as this community is I would love to see you guys make some courses really testing the integrity of player skill. With all the great things in Forge at your disposal such as one-way shields and huge selection of areas to work with the possibly is endless. You could even go as far as setting up armor abilities at certain points of maps to incorporate in your course. There's so much room for potential with Bunny Tracks.

    I myself am in the middle of making a BT course. I would love to see and hear some of your ideas.
    #1 Bandolero Sr, Sep 26, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2010
  2. Buhiko

    Buhiko Ancient
    Senior Member

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    in UT2004 these were my favourite levels to play :)
    So called 'trial' levels. With hard wall-jumps and stuff like that. I'd love to see a forge version appear!

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