Cubeskew 1.2

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by leegeorgeton, Oct 30, 2010.

  1. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
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    SPOILER. Do not watch the followoing walkthrough video if you haven't gone through this map yet and would like to figure it out for yourself.

    Here's a puzzle map I've been working on. Parts of it are pretty challenging, but become easy once you know the trick. I've played around with the forge structures to create some interesting architecture.

    In this updated version, I've redone a small transition point that was not interesting and given it a twist.

    Currently, there is only a final destination pointing where to go. I would've liked to have added checkpoints in order to not frustrate the player, but was unable to with the race checkpoints. As far as I can tell you can't do a race without vehicles. If I'm incorrect, please let me know so I can modify the map.

    Remember, up and down are rarely what they seem to be inside the cube. Some parts will seem impossible until you figure out the tricks to particular obstacles.

    Have fun and let me know what I can do, gametype-wise, to make the map work better as puzzle.

    You can also download the Land Grab game type file for this map here: : Halo Reach : File Details

    Here is the view from the start point.

    Here is some twisted architecture.


    Here is the Cube from the exterior.
    #1 leegeorgeton, Oct 30, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2010
  2. fluffyroks

    fluffyroks Forerunner

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    HTF did you do that i have been trying to do this for a long time i am so downloading this it looks so ****ing epic
  3. XJoe91

    XJoe91 Forerunner

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    Great map. Friends and I been playing this for a couple hours. I got out of the box, died a couple times, and friend does it on first time >.> Anyways awesome spirals, have no problem with this map.
  4. ABQ Maxington

    ABQ Maxington Ancient
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    ok, i dl'd this yesterday, and i have to say, this is, flat out, the coolest map I have EVER played. i started playing this and my mind was completly blown with the thing. like you said, up and down are rarely what they seem. It is extremely well forged and very fun to play on. ive had hours of entertainment with it already and now all of my friends are trying it out. The only thing i dont like, is the length. With $3000 left in the budget, youd be able to add a ton more cool jumps. i think ill nominate this for the favorite map competition 10/10
  5. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
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    Thanks for the positive feedback. Do any of you know of a method that will allow me to place checkpoints in the map? I know how to make it through the obstacles, and I still get frustrated when I make it so far through the map and die, ending up all the way back at the beginning.

    Also, I haven't figured out how to get a thumbnail picture to show up in the thread description. I think more people might be interested in the map if they saw one of the spiral pics. I could've sworn I read that a thumbnail is automatically made of the first picture in the thread, but nothing showed up. Is there any way to get the thumbnail to show up retroactively? If I do specify a thumbnail, how do I go about it. What's the max. size, etc?

    Edited by merge:

    I finally figured out how to get the thumbnail to show up.

    I've gotten pretty adept at building the architecture in Forge, but am still pretty unfamiliar with game type settings and spawn settings. If anyone has some tips regarding game types or spawning that would make the map more fun, please let me know.
    #5 leegeorgeton, Nov 1, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2010
  6. ABQ Maxington

    ABQ Maxington Ancient
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    to make checkpoints you could have a line of sender nodes at the start and place receiver nodes throughout the map that have movable objects on them like fusion coils. when you get to a blocked receiver node, you push the fusion coil off, unblocking it. youd have to cover them somehow or else people would just shoot at them until they moved enough to go through them
  7. iDieAgaain

    iDieAgaain Forerunner

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    ...I...I...I don't know what to say. It's unbelievable. How were you able to do this, was it frustrating, and how many times did you want and/or try to kill yourself while making this map?
    #7 iDieAgaain, Nov 1, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2010
  8. XLR8TER

    XLR8TER Ancient
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    I think you tore a hole in the fabric of time. We are in the presence of a man who is truely a master of his craft. Forge spiral making guy, I salute you.
  9. Megadoug

    Megadoug Forerunner

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    This makes me want to throw up in a bag. I know how hard it is to make spirals first hand. This guy is a mastermind. Dling!!

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is pretty crazy. Very nice aesthetic effects. I can't even imagine how long this must have taken. Keep it up.
  11. Corkscrew96

    Corkscrew96 Forerunner

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    Which direction is gravity in now :|

    Great map :D
  12. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    The girl that I was looking at this with loved it, I almost puked my guts out after 5 minutes of the first part..
    The spirals are figgin awesome though, you did a great job with precision forging.
  13. AriiMoose

    AriiMoose Forerunner

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    Just played this and I have to say, no faults so far. Still working on getting out of the cube (I know how, I just can't make a couple jumps) and I'm loving it. Mind=blown.
  14. IMyEndI

    IMyEndI Forerunner

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    Your download link is dead D:
  15. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
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    Sorry about the dead link. It's now fixed. I think the problem happened because of the way I initially searched for the map. I searched for maps created over the last week and that appears to have been something that alters the web address.

    This time I did the search for maps over all time. Hopefully that should be a permanent address. Let me know if I'm correct or not about this assumption so I don't run into this problem again.
  16. Guy01001

    Guy01001 Forerunner

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    This really looks amazing. My friend and I are going to give it a try right now! I'll post our impressions later.
  17. pauljohn

    pauljohn Forerunner

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    Well, it took me a while, but I finally got it. The map gave me a headache while it messed with my brain, but it was surely a worthy one. KUDOS for your time and effort!

    Also, did anyone's hands get really sweaty on this? Strangely, my nephews and mine all did, and on the different days we tried it.
  18. PWNAGEStudioz

    PWNAGEStudioz Forerunner

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    You've got my DL. I love the twisted architecture on the ending part.
  19. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Map Walkthrough Solution Added

    I've added the solution video for this map to the post. Maybe it will help some of you make it through the map. The video shows the map being played with the Cubeskew Oddball game type.
  20. wi1lywonka

    wi1lywonka Ancient
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    Earlier I said, "You've got my DL", I guess I never posted back what I thought. I played with a jet pack just so I could have little 'check points' if I fell. And I couldn't get out of the first room, but I guess that's just me. I did like it, at some points I'd see the same area and think it was a new place, just because of the differing angle.

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