This is a Custom Map made by lNeonI A 4v4 symmetrical style map. Supports Slayer,Hill,Odball, CTF & Bomb. Enjoy. =) Visit his Fileshare for more Awesome Maps and Amazing Halo Reach Sigs. : Reach : Player File Share Here is a Video that I made for his map Eco-Zone. Screenshots
Looks pretty cool, I assume he's going with a bio-dome type concept here? The water in the lower floors is a nice touch, and the video looks sick, I'll give it a 4/5. Although, I'm not sure if you're allowed to post other people's maps.
personally i think its a little too small and closed in (but thats just me). i would, however, like to see more of this kind of forging style. keep up the good work.
Posting other people's maps without their permission is illegal in Forgehub rules and, depending on where you live, could go against local plaugerism laws. If the mapmaker decides to give you permission to post their map, then there shouldn't be any problem as long as you say whos map it is. We would however like you to recomend this forger to the site. Cheers, Hass. : ) Oh, and welcome to Forgehub FrenchToast!
Ok, Thanks for the Info and the Greeting. =) He doesn't have a Computer, so that's why he asked me to post his Map on this site.