**** zombies Verruckt, working random box [FONT="]Hi everyone this is a part remake of Verruckt from cod waw **** zombies and my first map release so let me know how I do[/FONT] [FONT="]When I started this map I wanted to build the whole thing, but after a face palm from reality I found the budget was too low. So I decided to make most of the map and include most of its features e.g. [/FONT] [FONT="]Zombies have to break the windows to get in[/FONT] [FONT="] The humans are separated in two rooms[/FONT] [FONT="]There are 4 perk (armour ability) machines[/FONT] [FONT="]There is a working random box (You can only enter the random box at two locations)[/FONT] [FONT="]There are doors you have to pay to open[/FONT] [FONT="]There is a currency system well sort of, nades = money[/FONT] [FONT="]The game has rounds only two but it has rounds[/FONT] [FONT="]The humans can’t escape[/FONT] [FONT="]This map is not perfect it has bad points e.g.[/FONT] [FONT="] It’s not the whole map [/FONT] [FONT="]It’s not very accurate (all the walls are in the right place but some things are missing and some are not where they are supposed to be, e.g. one of [/FONT] [FONT="]The perk machines is not in the room it should be because that room is not there reason low budget)[/FONT] [FONT="]The random box can only be used from two locations [/FONT] [FONT="]Unfortunately the cheapest way to stop the humans escaping was to take away jump[/FONT] [FONT="]You can’t chose whether or not to pick up the weapon you get in the random box you simply hold your weapon pick up button and get what you are given [/FONT] [FONT="]Game type [/FONT] [FONT="]As you know there is no jump but you get used to it[/FONT] [FONT="]Zombies spawn with no jump, 75% speed and plasma pistols to eliminate lunge, don’t worry they do virtually no damage their only use is to creep people out and stop the humans shields regenerating.[/FONT] [FONT="]Humans spawn with no jump and magnums.[/FONT] [FONT="]A good ratio of humans to zombies is 1:3 but you will need 8 players to play the map effectively so 2 humans and 6 zombies at least[/FONT] [FONT="]If a player joins mid game they will automatically become a zombie so there are never more than 4 humans[/FONT] [FONT="]It takes 2 hits or 5 head shots with the magnum to kill a zombie[/FONT] [FONT="]It takes 4 hits to kill a human but after 3 hits without regeneration the next time the human is attacked it will only take another 3 hits. [/FONT] [FONT="]Spawns[/FONT] [FONT="] [/FONT] [FONT="]If you are a human you will spawn in a soft kill zone make shore you move out of it[/FONT] [FONT="] [/FONT] [FONT="]A wall will spawn to block your start points this is part on the system that stops people who join becoming humans.[/FONT] [FONT="] [/FONT] [FONT="]If you are a zombie you will spawn in one of two rooms left one has a soft kill zone to allow the humans around 15 seconds before the zombies attack. Right has a foot ball in it because a zombie that swans here will have to wait 2 minutes before it can join the fight, this way the game gets harder around the 2:20 mark as there will be up to double the zombies on the attack[/FONT] [FONT="]When you respawn as a zombie u can choose which door to go thought after that you have one thing left to do eat all the humans[/FONT] [FONT="]Weapons, nades and perks[/FONT] [FONT="]In each of the rooms the humans spawn in there is two nades that spawn after 60 seconds, an AR, plasma rifle and a perk machine. In the other rooms there is three nades two spawn every 20 seconds, one spawns every 30 seconds, a perk machine and a random box entrance[/FONT] [FONT="]The random box [/FONT] [FONT="]Inside the random box there is[/FONT] [FONT="]4 ARs [/FONT] [FONT="]5 DMRs [/FONT] [FONT="]4 Magnums [/FONT] [FONT="]3 Shotguns [/FONT] [FONT="]2 Sniper rifles[/FONT] [FONT="]4 Needle rifles[/FONT] [FONT="]2 Needlers [/FONT] [FONT="]4 Plasma pistols[/FONT] [FONT="]5 Plasma repeaters [/FONT] [FONT="]4 Plasma rifles[/FONT] [FONT="]3 Spikers[/FONT] [FONT="] [/FONT] [FONT="]To use the random box throw a nade over the shield wall hold your weapon pickup button and walk in to the teleporter[/FONT] If you just want ammo do the above but don't hold the weapon pickup button as long as you don't have a plasma weapon you will get ammo [FONT="]Perk (armour ability) machines [/FONT] [FONT="]There are 4 perk machines in the map [/FONT] [FONT="]Sprint, armour lock, hologram and active camouflage[/FONT] [FONT="] [/FONT] [FONT="]To use throw a nade under the wall and the armour ability should fall down because of lag this is not always the case but a second nade should sort it out[/FONT] [FONT="]Doors and windows[/FONT] [FONT="] [/FONT] [FONT="](Humans only) To use the side doors throw a nade under the shield[/FONT] [FONT="] [/FONT] [FONT="](Humans only) To use the middle door crouch in the middle, look straight down and throw a nade[/FONT] [FONT="](Zombies only unless you want to let them in)To use a window punch the propane tank and walk in, it will respawn in 10 seconds[/FONT] [FONT="]Windows to the locked rooms you will not be able to get in until the 75 second mark this is so the humans have the chance to get in the rooms and not get swamped by zombies[/FONT] [FONT="] [/FONT] [FONT="]Before 75 seconds[/FONT] [FONT="] [/FONT] [FONT="]After 75 seconds[/FONT] [FONT="]Well hope you like it, feedback is appreciated and I’m sorry if some bits are spelt wrong let me know what word, how it’s spelt and I will change it [/FONT] [FONT="]Thanks for taking the time to read its post.[/FONT]
i just finished playing this with a few friends and we found some flaws. the first was the beginning zombie spawn didn't kill my friends at the beginning. the second was that humans can get out of the map in the right human spawn by destroying a zombie door that isnt 1 way if you wud like me to show you my gamer tag is digitalfatal1ty
thank you for telling me. fixed the window. if played with less than 8 players all zombies could spawn in the 2 min room and there for not join the fight until the 2 min mark
I will try it. To be honnest, the map itself hasn't convincing me and I hate to play withouth being allowed to jump (a honor rule wouldn't have been better ?). But I really love the ideas you have put in like the ammo random box, the armor ability machine etc...
can you let me Know how i can improve then thanks for the feed back i like your idea just not all players understand honor rules and i dident want players to suffer because one player dosent want to play by the rules