I was forging the other day and accidentally dropped a banshee into the ocean. I saved and then later found out that the banshee continues spawn in the ocean and immediately explodes. It isn't a huge deal, but it is noisy and happens every 30 seconds. I have tried several things to delete it, but haven't had any success. I would hate to start over on this map. So far I have tried waiting down by where it spawns to see if I can select/delete it before it explodes, but it is instantaneous so I am unable. I also tried spawning a grid or rock underneath it in hopes of having it land but not explode. This didn't work either, it just explodes inside of the rock, sometimes causing a ton of lag. Please help. Is there anything I can do?
No. He means spawn a banshee, then hit B and choose "delete all of these." It will delete all banshees anywhere on the map.
Just for future reference if you don't want to delete all, hold down y while pointing at where the object spawns. If you are holding y or a, then you will delete or pick up the first object that crosses your path.
in my experience, delete all only deletes the objects that are actually spawned... meaning that this might not work if the vehicle is exploding instantly. if what they said doesnt work, try putting the largest building block in the water (4x4 tall?). the banshee should spawn on top of it. i know you said you tried this, but if the object isnt tall enough, its possible the banshee was getting pushed down instead of up. i would make the block slightly submerged. I know vehicles will get pushed when spawning because i tried to STOP a vehicle from spawning in phase 2 of invasion using a 'gate' but the banshee just spawned on top of it
grab a banshee and hit "B" and go to the bottom of the list and hit "delete all of these" and "yes" and then they should all be gone, if there are banshees on the map, just put them back, its easier than restarting the whole map.