Remake Halo 2 Relic

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by CK CUJO, Oct 26, 2010.

  1. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
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    H2 RELIK

    I have remade my all time favorite, and what I believe to be the most fun and balanced of all maps, Relic from Halo 2. ALL MAJOR GAME TYPES SUPPORTED!

    (Edit: 5/7/11 - I've managed to remove over 40 overlapping objects from the main base and replaced them with 10. This decreases the lag considerably.
    - repositioned rocks and scenery to allow a more open driving experience
    - adjusted some kill barriers.
    - my original map was called 'RELIC ºÇüJÓº' with 1,312 downloads. It is now simply called H2 RELIK (CUJO). I will leave the original link available if you'd like to download both and compare.

    (Trying to recreate that classic image here...)

    YouTube - reach7966175-127377545.wmv

    (The rendered video above shows off the map and not necessarily my skills. I was preoccupied with watching everyone else play so I could fix obvious problems later. This was one of the several play-tests over a two week period.)

    The hardest part about remaking this map was finding a location that suits it. Since building an island completely out of walls looks tacky, unrealistic, and definitely not true to the original, I had to find a natural piece of land that could work. Since relic is an island, and the only island available has a mountain in the center of it, I had no choice but to create my map on the plateau called 'Alaska'. Falling off the edge on all sides simulates the original island.

    (overview blue side)

    (overview red side with weapon layout) [SG= shotty, AR=assault rifle, DMR=des. mksn. rifle, N= needler, PP= plasma pistol, PR= plasma rifle, PRe= plasma repeater, Sw= sword, NR= needle rifle, FR= focus rifle, RK= rocket launcher, grenades are in approximate positions as well]

    Some of the things I paid close attention to was size and scope. Working within the confines of Alaska, I was able to make this map about 80% the length and width of the original. This doesn't change game play much at all, and in fact, makes the game play more robust and exciting as all spaces are equally skirmished. There were spots on the original relic that people never played on, namely the land behind red base and the rockets, and a portion on the side of the blue's teleporter. I loaded up Halo 2 relic on a separate tv, had photos and scale drawings up on my girlfriend's laptop, and made practice runs from one location to the next so I could create the map as accurately as possible while retaining all the aspects that made Relic, Relic. One of the things you'll notice is the use of the coliseum walls as drivable terrain on the one side of the map. I tried to make it look 'forerunner-esque' but needed to widen the map so there was more driving room. This map was meant for quick escapes and fast approaches. In the picture above you will see weapon layouts. As much as possible, the weapons were replicated piece by piece, except the needle rifle was put in place of the carbine and the focus rifle was put in place of the beam rifle.

    (red base overview)

    (Same base after reducing number of objects. It's much prettier.)
    (blue base overview)

    One of the things that made this map great and unique was the teleporter system. The attacking team would have to make their way inside of the base, at the far end of the map, and activate the defending team's teleporter. As soon as this happened, the blue team had a quick and easy way into the defending team's base. I managed to pull this off with a simple switch. I tried a few different techniques given as advice by my buddy Van, but anything I tried didn't feel right. Blocking the teleporter with a shotgun so you'd have to remove it in order to 'activate' was goofy and unblanced. After a couple of nights of tinkering, I found that the best solution was to make use of a trip mine inside the teleporter with shield door blocking it. As the trip mine is active, it essentially blocks the teleporters from being functional. After it is destroyed, the teleporters open up and are working as a 2-way system.

    (teleporter switch)

    By using the shield door, the trip mine will not spontaneously activate by fire or grenade spamming, and will only activate after someone goes through the teleporter from the defending side. The shield door also prevents anyone from getting hurt.

    (attacking teleporter) [This teleporter is not 'locked' in free for all games. The switch remains inactive and is a completely functional, 2 way system from the start of the FFA games!]

    I'm including a few other shots from around the map and I'll have a link for some gameplay vids you can download to your xbox.




    (The ramps that normally appear here in free for all games show up during, get this, free for all games!)

    Let me know what you think and enjoy!!!

    New Version Download: H2 RELIK

    Original Version Download: Halo REACH RELIC

    Rendered video: Halo REACH RELIC
    #1 CK CUJO, Oct 26, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2011
  2. Elitearbitar

    Elitearbitar Ancient

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    Wow. My hat comes off to you sir. This map is an awesome remake, just like the original. The aesthetics make it easy on they eyes. i love it :D
  3. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It plays wonderfully... let me know what you think after you've had a chance.
  4. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    I've never played relic before (probably cuz I missed the dlc in H2 before it closed down) but this map looks just like it. I have seen relic a lot and I notice most, if not all the similarities to it. I never knew relic had a teleporter system or anything like that. Truly true to the original and don't even worry about the size, thats why we call it a remake. Downloading now and putting H2 settings on (extremely high jump, 4 melees to kill, no fall damage, and No God awful B X R!)
  5. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    And the rendered video is full of lulz... mostly because I'm running around watching everyone else play so I could get a feel for what needed fixed. Ha ha.

    SW33TGAMERCHICK Forerunner

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    Super Fun Map!!

    Very nice job CUJO!! Since I have the original Relic map pack disc I can say this is a perfect remake! I have downloaded the map and I can say its a blast to play on... Especially with the CTF game type... You have done a great job!! I cannot wait to see what other remakes you are capable of making!
  7. x black kn1ght

    x black kn1ght Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I see some features here which are like my relic map :p
    Anyway quite a few of the jumps are missing especially the quick jump that allows you to get onto the middle structure. The scaling is off too in some places on the main structure.

    However it's not too shabby. Love the tripmine as the switch.
    #7 x black kn1ght, Oct 27, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2010
  8. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So, you're scale is much closer to the original as you had more room to build in. I like yours...though if there are any similarities, I'd have to chalk that up to us making the 'same map'. What jump are you referring to?
  9. x black kn1ght

    x black kn1ght Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yea don't get me wrong as I'm not accusing you of stealing anything lol. Great minds think a like. The jump I'm referring too is the jump that allows you to run up the dishes that you have forged into the ground to act as dividers. From here you're able to jump across and onto the middle structure. It's the side with the covenant sniper tower.


    I'll use that pic to describe it more. It's the divider piece closest to the central structure that you can jump from.

    Hope that helps as it's hard to describe. Easy fix.
  10. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ah, that jump. Haha, well, for the sake of having room to drive vehicles and maneuver them, i decided to forgo that jump and move that ramp over slightly to facilitate easy warthog escapes. Otherwise, you'd flip every 3 seconds and the warthog would be a pointless scenery item. Thanks for the feedback! Good luck to you.
    #10 CK CUJO, Oct 27, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2010
  11. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    Awesome looking map, very faithful to the original. Only thing I would suggest is replacing some of those cliffhanger coliseum walls with tin cups, for a more natural look.
  12. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks a lot. I already used the tin cups.. even if I had more, I'd need about, oh, 200? haha..
    #12 CK CUJO, Oct 27, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2010
  13. Vantier Raleigh

    Vantier Raleigh Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    really great remake dude, i remember testing this and it was pretty fun.
    you spent so long on this lol
  14. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the comments, it's much appreciated. And thanks for the help testing.
  15. Timid Kane

    Timid Kane Forerunner

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    Very fun map.

    The only problem was the fact that the attackers would spawn in the pelican when bringing the flag home making it to hard to recover the flag.

    Maybe you could move them to the opposite area of the pelican?
  16. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If you open the map in forge you can see where the respawn points are for the attacking team. I placed as many as I could, spread all over the attacker's 'side'. I will see what can be done about placing a soft spawn zone for both teams so the blue team might spawn a little farther away, but, in the original Relic, it was supposed to be more difficult for the attackers to even get away from the base with the flag, but once they had it on the ground it was to be difficult for the defenders to keep it from slipping away. Thank you for the input! I'll look into it.
  17. Epolixa

    Epolixa Forerunner

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    I've never had the pleasure of playing Halo 2, but perhaps this remake will offer me a glimpse into its glory.

    Kudos to Cujo!

    You have my DL.
  18. sst nyko

    sst nyko Forerunner

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    You guys should make a remake togheter lol. Anyway, this looks good. We need a relic in BTB!
  19. ProfessorFox

    ProfessorFox Ancient
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    I've never played relic before (for that matter, I barely played halo 2 at all), but from all the pics and videos I've seen, It looks perfect. Furthurmore, as a first time player, it feels like it's own map, gameplay and looks. Great job. Also, I'm trying to collect remakes of every single map in halo fps history. I would like you toknow, you've made my list.
  20. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I very much appreciate that you've decided to add my map to your remake list, as I'm doing the very same thing. Most maps I cared about have been remade and I'm only keeping the best of the best. Even though I spent a lot of time on this map, I'd still like Bungie to make a new one.. it would be totally rad! Thank you for your comment.

    Edited by merge:

    Changes: I went back and fixed a couple of spots where people could potentially hide under the map. Before I put an updated version up, are there anymore changes people think I should check on? That is, if anyone has revisited this thread to begin with.... Have a great day!
    #20 CK CUJO, Nov 3, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2010

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