No Mans Land No Mans Land is a map that came to me after playing "trench warfare". 12-16 players recommended This is how a WWI trench would be set up (both sides) One of the 3 tunnels (shotgun spawn in center) Overview of No Mans Land Main respawn point after initial spawn
So it's a map inspired by a map that was inspired by a map that was inspired by a flash game. Interesting.... I can't say anything until I play it, but it looks like an... interesting concept, as the teams have to watch both the tunnels, and the top land. How do you win?
i like your idea and originality in making your own version of trench warfare, however the fact is that the idea has already been used though i like your underground area which would make some nice little battles there, a remake of WWI battles is like D-day in WWII, still lacking that BAM that you get from the originals but don't get me wrong i still like the map...
Im pretty sure that you mean WWI and It looks nice but i agree with game time It jusn't have BAM! That other trench maps have.
Contrary to popular belief, trenches were not used as often in ww11, ww11 was to advanced and stuck to open countryside, and urban environments and there was no defined "line" like in ww1. A little history lesson for ya...
ya i know i got a 95 in history, i got them mixed up. [br][/br]Edited by merge: lol must have been a good flash game then anyways you win by getting 50 kills (team slayer), controlling No Mans Land (king of the hill)(teams) or capturing the flag (one flag) i recommend this gamytype for big team battles
Oh, your map looks very nice. I love the map Trench Wars and I am sure I will love this one too. Otherwise I must underline they were some trench but they weren't much used. The great Atlantic Wall made by the Nazis and near the Magino's Line between France and Germany were the two heavy defended places with trenchs, but during the WWII, the "blitzkrieg", a quick war with quick attacks, hase made 90% of the fights, on contrary to WWI which was a real trench war for at least 3 years, without any gain of ground.
Thanks, i played it with a bunch of people and they said i should move the spawns so i did. Go to my fileshare to get the latest spawning!