Hello and welcome to my most recent mini game. Tumbling Trinkets is an infection game where zombies must launch themselves up towards a platform where the humans are standing. This platform is not very safe though because it is made up of movable objects. The humans must struggle to survive as the zombies pounce on them with their gravity hammers of death! The Humans The humans job is to survive for 2 minutes. They are equipped with a shotgun. They are almost 100% invulnerable while they are in the safe haven. They can be assassinated by a zombie. If a human falls off of the trinket platform then they very vulnerable to zombies. They cannot do any damage other than assassinating once they fall off of the platform. Do what ever it takes to survive for the full 2 minutes because its going to be a bumpy ride! The Zombies The zombies job is to knock the humans off of the trinket platform and finish them off once they reach the bottom. They are equipped with a lovely gravity hammer. Zombies are very prone to shotgun shells, but they can jump very high! Zombies can also be assassinated from humans at any time. A good zombie will try to avoid being hit by the humans. If you hammer jump ( Jump + Swing your hammer) then you can get an extra boost up to the trinket platform. Once you reach the trinket platform...swing for your life to knock the objects off! MORE PICTURES! Spoiler I'd like to say thank you for all of the people who helped test the map and make it the best (or close to the best) that it can be. I hope you enjoy the map! If you have any questions or comments then feel free to post them!
Wow, this looks pretty cool. The aesthetics are nice and idea is pretty original. I really like the shield door in the windows, gives a nice effect. Looks really fun and the platform is well organized. After a few days you might wanna put up some strategies for humans and zombies. Nice job, I'll DL. Can't wait to see your future maps.
Alright, this looks pretty damn cool. I didn't even know that there were still moveable objects in Reach, and here I was bemoaning their loss. I'm gonna check this out, as the idea is pretty original and it looks quite fun. Nice post as well. How did you get those weapon blueprint-y pictures?
You can get the weapon icons here. yeah movable objects are somewhat scarce on reach. I was somewhat sad that bungie took out the big antennas because those are useful for a lot of different things. Tell me how you enjoyed the map =)
Oh man, that last picture before the spoiler looks awesome! Almost looks like that zombie got ninja'd or something.........................and it seems REALLY familiar. Anywhos, I highly recommend that everyone checks this game out. It's the perfect game to play when you've got any size party. Just beware of Tz, he has an odd obsession with jumping off the edge immediately. It's almost like he WANTS to be a zombie. Can't wait to play this in the next TGIF. One more thing, Flag Frenzy.
This is one of the more innovative mini-games I've seen on Reach, I've had tons of fun testing it with you. I really like the aesthetics on this map, especially the floor. Also, I agree with Nibs, Flag Frenzy.
You have essentially recreated Jenga for H3, but it looks 10x cooler and is actually nice to look at....I love you and I cant wait to waste away hours on this map. Congrats!
Your mini-game shamelessly squashed me with one dye. I'm really disappointed that I wasn't in a better action shot, purposely jumping off the platform and assassinating the lone zombie. Otherwise, I had some fun playing this infection mini-game. Note for the zombies, make sure you use your hammer to push you higher when you jump, makes it way easier to smash the humans that way.
Yeah man that guy got owned...I'm excited as well to get this going with a wider range of people. I'm slowly making progress on FF..... Thanks dude! The floor was a neat little find I made, but everyone else knew about it too. ermm...I love you too. haha. Thanks for enjoying it. If I had a video in the thread I would probably choose you Tz. You are one of the few people that would much rather kill themselves and be a zombie then tough it out and have a delayed death.
Tumbling Trinkets Enjoyment: Tumbling Trinkets is a gametype that remains true to its namesake. It is very reminiscent of original infection gametypes of the Halo 3 pre-DLC era. It is not fair to say that this gametype was not enjoyable, but I would say its audience is quite limited. A typical game starts out rather slow with the zombie figuring out what they need to do for a couple seconds. Quite often a player would fall off by mistake and be waiting prey for a zombie who may not always know to infect the humans. There were initial concerns regarding the barriers being too powerful. Though in time the players begin to learn the tricks of the game and it was not as much of an issue. Gravity Hammer jumping is quite useful and once that is mastered it becomes much more enjoyable to be a zombie. It was rather dull to be a human. Since most zombies were not very skilled at hammer boosting you would sit there for quite some time. Once the zombies got up there you could attempt to shotgun them out of the air, but even that was difficult and rare. Overall, this is an interesting gametype that can be fun for a night’s rotation; though it is not recommended that you play this gametype repeatedly or else your players might start getting bored of the same old thing. Balance: As is the case with most infection gametypes, the zombies have the advantage. Since it is easy enough to knock players off, the first zombie tends to get quite a few kills. The humans are rather limited by only having shotguns. This means that they can only get kills once a zombie is within hammer range. More often than not, if a zombie is coming right at a human, there’s a pretty good chance they’ll be able to knock them off of the trinket, even if the human manages to shotgun the zombie. For the most part it seemed almost beneficial to die in the beginning to be one of the first zombies than it was to stay a human. That’s not to say that it wasn’t exciting to be a human at times, but you certainly wouldn’t get the most kills. Durability: From the map breaking standpoint, Trinkets is a fundamentally sound play space. Players often found the barricades to be a frustrating point of the map, as they seemed to go against the tumbling pieces idea. Aside from that there were no major issues. The map worked well for up to 16 players, but at lower player counts was not as enjoyable. The zombie did have a bit of a height advantage and could potentially land in the upper brace; this minor flaw would not benefit the zombie much if at all. Aesthetics: The aesthetic appeal of Trinkets is quite obvious. Subtle touches to the map improve the overall appearance and give the map a unique feel. The use of struts creates a smooth but unique lining to the “pit” while not interfering with the slide. Aside from the barricades the trinkets were well arranged. The barricades were symmetrically placed but felt a little too disconnected from the rest. This only slightly hurt the aesthetic touches. Originality: With a new Halo game and forge we’re left with a unique conundrum. Is it fair to say that a gametype derived from a Halo 3 gametype is not original because the idea is not unique? The counter to this is obviously that while the idea might not be new, the execution with respect to the current clones are what makes a re-inspiration “original.” If we follow the latter mentality, Tumbling Trinkets is an original idea. The unique way of having a huge zombie jump creates for a fun and different play style. Now the zombie must put thought into how they will approach the humans from below. While it’s also a good tactic for a human to just stay on the higher barricades and shotgun any zombie that roams by, a limited ammo pistol might have been more appropriate. Overall, it will make a lot of players happy to have a new version of the Halo 3 classics. For the minigamers out there trying to find a fully original gametypes than this one might miss their list, at least for now [floatleft]Enjoyment Rating: Balance Rating: Durability Rating: Aesthetic Rating: Originality Rating:[/floatleft] Overall:
You sir, are a genius. This map is frickin' sweet, I was going to build something like this but couldn't figure out a way to keep the zombie off the platform. 5/5.
YES!!! I've been waiting for a game like this in reach. There was one similar in halo 3 called hobo heights or something. Great job!! Downloaded <3