Weird Plasma Repeater behavior

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by blanktester, Nov 1, 2010.

  1. blanktester

    blanktester Forerunner

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    I just noticed this last night and it's kinda weird.

    if you created a firefight gametype with bottomless clip (probably works like this in custom games too) and you grab a plasma repeater and just hold the trigger, the reticule will continue to expand until its off the screen. then after a little while another reticule will appear in the center of the screen and do the same thing, but slightly faster. in fact, this process continues for quite some time until the reticule grows faster than you can see it and you'll not see a reticule at all. keep holding the trigger and the reticule will reappear without expanding and will just sit there.

    when you release the trigger, you can watch the entire expanding and recreating process unwind. I think the reason that for a while it vanishes and then doesnt expand is just because of framerate issues, although i don't really know why it does this in the first place as opposed to just having a maximum reticule size like the needle rifle.

    the reticule size does not effect the spread beyond the max spread, so its purely a visual glitch. will post a video asap, unless someone else will.
  2. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Ancient
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    Simple: oversight. They figured overheating would limit reticule size, without taking Bottomless Clip into account.
  3. Random11714

    Random11714 Ancient
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    You are correct in your reasoning, but this thread was not posted to point out a major flaw in the game, it was posted to point out something the author viewed as interesting, to share it with the community.
  4. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Ancient
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    You are correct in your reasoning, but my explanation was not posted to imply that this flaw was major, it was posted to point out something I viewed as interesting, to share it with the community. :p

    Some people, like myself, are just as interested in a glitch's cause as they are in the glitch itself.
  5. Random11714

    Random11714 Ancient
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    Reading your reply made me lol. I can truly understand your reasoning now.

    That reply really lightened my mood... lol.
  6. R Richard P26

    R Richard P26 Ancient
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    I saw it too when I got a million points (I don;t have live so I didn't even try it legitametly) I think the repeater is the best weapon with bottomless clip and max damage, it has the best firing rate: range ratio, the needler is pretty cool to.
  7. PWNAGEStudioz

    PWNAGEStudioz Forerunner

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    I've done this glitch before, where the reticule bloom of the PR grew and restarted to grow. The overheat was the limit for the PR without bottomless clip. If this could be done in MP, imagine on how you can quickly kill someone in close range. Sort of like an automatic shotgun that bursts out plasma.

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