Plasma Rain on Rainstorm

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Awkward Silence, Oct 30, 2010.

  1. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Well hello there, everybody. Haven't been here in awhile, but it seems the site has received a fresh coat of paint! Always nice to see. Anywho, here's my first offering for an Infection/Mini-Game map on Reach titled "Rainstorm," ideal for any player count of 6 or above. (5 people can work, but it's a little slow.)


    The premise is simple. There is one starting zombie, who spawns with a Plasma Launcher on a platform high above the humans. His job, as you might have guessed, is to literally rain death on the humans trapped below.

    Zombie Spawn: [​IMG]

    Human Spawn: [​IMG]

    Humans are armed with Magnums, but they do 0% damage, so it's more of lame protest against the inevitable than anything else. On the plus side however, they do have Evade, which is very important when a Zombie is shooting homing plasma missiles at you.


    The game starts with only one Zombie, but each death adds another Zombie with another salvo of plasma into the mix, and as you'll see, it gets pretty hectic really fast.

    The first to go is this unfortunate Dino:

    Then the game starts to look like this:

    Then like this:

    And eventually like this:

    Yeah. It's crazy. I hope you enjoy it.

    In case you missed the Download links here they are again:

    Rainstorm (Map)

    Plasma Rain (Gametype)

    Oh, and here's one more tip for you all:

    In the event that you just can't lock on to a human, or one of them is trying to hide, just aim like this manually. The Plasma bolts will land right underneath the main circle, just about where the little arrow is in the picture. Good luck!

    #1 Awkward Silence, Oct 30, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2010
  2. The Farting One

    The Farting One Forerunner

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    Hey, awesome map Old Man Awkward. I had a blast testing this with you and Theorem last night even though I'm pretty sure I left right before you came back and showed this off after you fixed that one spot (won't say any more :3). Anyways, I'm glad I can dl this now and once again, awesome map.
  3. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Yeah, that got fixed as well as that thing where the Zombies could knock each other over the edge. I added One-Way Shields, so that shouldn't happen anymore. Glad you liked it.
  4. A SouthPark Kid

    A SouthPark Kid Ancient
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    Played this map with around 10 people earlier, and it was REALLY FUN. It got very hectic at the end when there is only 1 person left. I love this mini-game, and will play it every time I am doing custom games with friends. Great Job.
  5. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    A simple concept but a helluvah lot of fun. My favorite part of this game is the fact that you can see you impending doom. You can see the little rain drops coming at you and frankly, you are al;l like "OmG Ittz COming ThE FUUCK AFtah MEh!1!1!!!1!!one!!!1

    Lawl anyway, simple incredible versatile as to the number of players and a fun game over all. Great job awkward.
  6. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Aww. You're so sweet. /creepiness

    BTW, you didn't run into any issues, like zombies pushing each other off the edge, did you? I just want to make that's fixed.
  7. AtomBlaster4

    AtomBlaster4 Forerunner

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    So I can imagine that this would get pretty hectic (can you imagine it with 16 players?!?), and would make one heck of a party game. Is the effect necissary, though? It hurts my eyes.
  8. Desert Penguin

    Desert Penguin Forerunner

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    Looks like it would be pretty easy for the zombie to just walk off the edge.
  9. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    There's a railing and zombies can't jump.

    I completely forgot about this map, but I still play it every once in a while when I host large party customs. Everyone enjoys it and it's fantastic for getting parties started up. It's especially frightening to be the last guy and watching 2 dozen blue balls locking on you :)

    Great map Awkward Silence. Simple and well executed.
  10. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    The effect is to make it look like a rainstorm. Maybe it doesn't look great from the pictures, but nobody I've played with has had a problem with it in-game, in fact, most people like it. Even if you don't think it adds much, I can assure you that it won't negatively impact your visibility.

    So how'd it go?
  11. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    I played this and it was ok. I didn't enjoy it as much as the other players. Probably because there is a lot of maps just like this. I like the use of the FX though. There really isn't anything wrong with the map but the originality. Its a fine map.
  12. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Really? Which ones? (Not trying to shoot down your argument or anything, I'm just curious, because I haven't seen anything else like it.) Thanks for playing it though.
  13. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
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    Your map is completely original, Mocha's just 'tarded : )

    The effects aren't annoying and the Infected can't fall off. Seems like we've got a lot of downsies out today. Anyways, people seem to have missed the one true complaint of this map. I played a small game a little while back, and there was some pretty bad camping on the little structure by the back. Would it really kill you to put a Soft Kill or something on there?

    I know you can still somehow shoot people off of there but it's confusing, it's hard, and most people just roll away and back again once you finally get a sticky there. Humans gain an advantage that requires no work to get. Please, fix it.

    #13 Hogframe, Nov 27, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2010

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