hey forgers (and forgets) quick question that i can seem to figure out. I got my new map 95% done. but when i went to play test it with a couple friends in a custom game. as SOON as we spawned in -DEATH- couldnt move just a nice swift but soft fall to the floor. hmmmmmmmm? i thought it was as easy as one of my KILL ZONES was touching the spawn (or play area) but that wasnt it. second i thought the floor was messed up or the spawn point was "pushed" into the floor a little.....but it wasnt... granted i only messed with it for a few mins before i got angry and quit.... any other suggestions? i assume it is a very simple fix im just over looking!
If you can walk on that surface in Forge, then it is indeed a Safe Area (most likely); spawn a Safe and a Soft Safe, and choose Delete All Of These. (Safe Areas are inverse Kill Areas. If there's at least one Safe Area in the map, and if you are not in a Safe Area, you die. Soft Safes give you a ten-second countdown before they kill you.)
i dont ever remember placing a safe area, but then again you all know how your forging times just seem to mesh together....i will check this this out!
Which gametype are you trying to set this up for. This sounds like a common problem that's faced with setting up infection games.
I had this happen with my infection map.. I would like some help too lol. what is wrong here? I deleted all the kill zones.
If you get desperate, do a spawn-and-Delete-All on kill zones, soft kill zones, safe zones, and soft safe zones. Make sure you are in basic editing too, so it should show everything for all game types. If your map is clear of all four of those, there's a good chance it will fix the problem; then you just need to set them up again, and be very careful about where they are placed.