The Getaway is a symmetrical map located over the ocean in forge world, sometimes less is more in a halo map and this is a perfect example, you will not be distracted by wierd looking features you will simply see you, your team and the dudes your gonna kill It plays mainly slayer based gametypes but also good for king of the hill and headhunter (4 to 12 players) I have played some custom games with a few friends, mainly just FFA I would love for the game to be play tested some more to get some feedback. The map has some great lines of sight. The power weapons are The Sniper (x2), Rocket Launcher (x1), Shotgun (x2), Sword (x1), and The Grenade Launcher (x1) I am dissapointed that i can't add this to the forgetacular contest because i'm an Aussie but hopefully will get some feedback from you guys Please give it a download and give me some comments on how i could maybe improve it. ppl eating ppl [br][/br]Edited by merge: Editing in new pics now, will be up in 5 minutes sorry
You have to have your image uploaded on or, then you will click 'insert image' (The icon that looks like mountains and then a sun on top of it). As seen here [br][/br]Edited by merge: How did you go uploading those pictures? What is your map called? I'll comee check it out