I feel let down.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Dow, Nov 1, 2010.

  1. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    So after playing Reach for a few weeks now, I can't help but notice how overall dissatisfied I feel. Perhaps it is due largely to the over the top amounts of hype leading up to it, but I feel like Reach is everything they promised it would be, but that happened to be not very good. One thing specifically is the abilities. They make the game too technical and frustrating for me. Another is the DMR and it's single shot mechanics. Because only one bullet is shot at a time, it means having to aim more often when shooting somebody and it just doesn't feel right. Both of these factors and other various things make the multiplayer experience less than satisfactory for me. I liked Halo 3 so much better >:| Does anyone agree?
  2. Detr1us

    Detr1us Forerunner

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    If anything I think the opposite! all the things you dislike about Reach I believe were necessary, without them there would not be much distinction between halo 3 and Reach. The abilities give you a lot more choices when it comes to tactics, and IMO makes for better game play. in regards to the DMR... it makes SWAT more interesting! the one thing that does annoy me slightly is the Spartans A.I.... elites on legendary make quite the opponent whilst Noble team run about being Cannon fodder, The difference is frustrating!
    #2 Detr1us, Nov 1, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2010
  3. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'll have to disagree with you as well. The new DMR mechanics are far better than that of the BR, and while the bloom can be a bit random, it also adds a new level of skill. The only AA I have an issue with is Armor Lock, but I just remove that from my gametypes and replace it with evade or drop shield, since I primarily play customs games as it is. As for the rest of the AAs, I love them. They add so much depth to the gameplay, and create so many new situations. No game is perfect, and I have my complaints, but it still feels better than H3.
  4. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    The like the inclusion of the three movement armor abilities: Evade, Sprint and Jetpack. They speed up the game and allow players to traverse the map quickly. Which is great. However, three armor abilities slow the game down: Armor lock, Active Camo, and Drop Shield.

    The bloom on weapons seem to be ineffective at times, IE an opponent spams the trigger and kills me, even though my shots are timed and they each make contact. At times the bloom feels random and at times it seems to work. Close range you can spam the trigger more and long range requires less bloom.

    Lastly, the rank change I believe has effected peoples need to play the game. I was a Halo 3 50 and a legit lone wolf lvl 43 in Halo 2. I played Halo so I could reach my goal and with Halo:Reach I don't have a rank goal, because to reach max rank it requires an immense amount of time, which I do not have. Enter the challenges, the challenges for some of us will replace that fleeting need to reach a certain rank like in the previous games.

    Which brings me to my next point, there are two types of challenges, grinding challenges and what I like to call betting challenges or random challenges. Grinding challenges are quests that require you to do x amount of things(IE complete 20 games). Betting challenges require the player to achieve something in the game that they wouldn't normally do or something crazy(IE get 30 kills in one game). Betting challenges are almost like gambling, it's like playing roulette hoping for that shiny little ball to land on your number.

    Well my friends, Halo: Reach is a gateway game, it has all the mechanics to be a FPS, but what has been incorporated into it, is the makings of an MMORPG. Quests.... err challenges are completed for rewards(Credits).

    So if bloom, armor abilities, challenges are your thing, you'll be playing Reach for a long time. However, if this ain't your cup of tea you're going to drop Reach like a bad habit. I do not foresee as many people playing Reach as they did with the previous Halo games. I could be wrong, but I'm really on the fence here.
  5. izmatik

    izmatik Forerunner

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    well to give a diffirent perspective i quit on halo 3 within a month or so, but i have been enjoying my time in reach. The single player was a lot more entertaining for one, Im addicted to forgeworld, and the added gameplay elements have given depth to a somewhat aging engine... and i like the halo as an RPG idea, with how many bullets it takes to kill in this game you might as well be whittling away hit points =)
  6. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    God forbid that you have to aim a gun to keep killing people.
  7. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    nobody wants to hear your whining. if you don't like it, go play halo 3. its a different game. deal with it
  8. Jerrod H

    Jerrod H Forerunner

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    Your post lost credibility with me when your main reason you do not like the DMR is because you have to aim more... lol just wow.

    I do agree the hype did not help this game, it didn't stun the world, its best improved as far as from one installment to the next. But reach is a great entry into the series none the less. I will be playing reach longer than I played 3. And that's even considering COD is about to come out. I like the abilities, armor lock needs to change. Two things he ability to attack especially melee so fast out of armor lock is ridiculous. And it really should be that your not armor locked until you finish the animation ( your hand hits the ground)

    Besides armor lock the maps are okay at best. I feel cheated a little bit considering over 1/3 of the maps are made in forge world. I love the forge but bungie it doesn't mean you should limit your creativity and tools by using foreword. I want to see different scenery and environments, it gives maps an entirely different feel.
  9. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    the only thing that i personally dislike is the ranking system...i want to work for my rank. also being punished for losing or quitting out...
    personally i dont care about armor or cR. i just want a high rank. but sadly now i cant! ehh..oh well because the forge is absolute TITTYS! and that is enough to keep me busy!

    oh i guess second...i saw someone say AA speed up the game...to me that goes both ways...jetpacks/sprint yes, but things like invis/armor lock NO! i have had tons of games finish like 14 to 12 because of so many missed kills from AA...but like i said that goes both ways cuz ive had game finish very fast b/c of AA's!

    PS to bungie (i know this is not bungie) please if people QUIT-OUT of a game because of a "rape-fest" please increase my overall score at the end. I know people have had this happen....go on a killing frenzy an the other team quits, but the final score is, lets say 10-0 (didnt reach 25) you only get a 1300ish score. not fair that. that should be bumped up an extra 200 at least. for someone who just raped and made them rage-quit...it hurts my overall "best three game score" ?!?!?!? grrrrrrrr
  10. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
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    Things I think are awesome:

    • Drop Shield. It's like a tactical Medic role. In BTB, I'm only good for scouting; I love it when I can actually run to someone and heal them with a shield while I'm out doing recon. Plus, it's amazing for Firefight, and its healing powers add a whole new dimension to Custom Game loadouts.
    • Challenges. My only beef about the challenges is the ones that require an absurd amount of time for a minimal reward (i.e. 400 Multiplayer Matchmaking kills for 400 cR). But if you learn to weigh time versus reward and only do the Challenges that are worth it, you'll find they're a nice little way to vary your gameplay on occasion.
    • DMR. In the beta, the DMR had a horrible delay (akin to that of the sniper) between pulling the trigger and actually having a bullet exit the barrel. Bungie was smart enough to remove that from the final game, making the DMR a wonderful weapon for SWAT and mid-to-long-range combat.
    • cR-based ranking. You can't judge people based on their rank anymore. I kinda like that. Plus, now, fails like me can feel accomplished, too! :D
    • Sprint/Evade. Epic for movement.
    • Hologram. The one Armor Ability with the most potential -- and yet it is also the most demanding with regards to skill.
    • Quit bans. Finally, a penalty for morons that leave my team at a major disadvantage!
    Things I think are fail:

    • Jetpack. I've seen maybe two Jetpackers in all my time on Reach that can actually shoot precisely from midair. The rest all Jetpack up to camping spots, or they Jetpack and ***** 'nades from above.
    • Bungie's Infection maps, except for Powerhouse and maybe Reflection.
    • The new Betrayal Booting system. I may make a topic on this based on a good idea I had and posted at Bungie.net (where it was completely ignored).
    • Quit bans, when most of your team has already left.
    Things that need to FGQKING DIE IN HELL:

    • Armor. ****ing. Lock. Imbalanced, inconsistent, glitchy, annoying, 'nuff said.
    • Boardwalk, Pinnacle, and Asylum in Living Dead.
    • Skull Capture Points in Headhunter.
    • Bungie's lack of regard for any part of the game that does not start with "A" and end in "rena".
    TL;DR: Reach is awesome, even with its massive flaws.
    #10 DavidJCobb, Nov 1, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2010
  11. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    The only reason people feel let down by Reach is that they expected it to be a 100% perfect game out of the box. If people weren't so picky then they wouldn't be let down.

    I for one thing Reach is a great game, and there are many others ready to back me up on that.
  12. Chan

    Chan Forerunner
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    I think most of the new stuff they added is great, and necessary, but poorly executed.
  13. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    yea i said this awhile back on a thread like this, but i still feel like this is annoying to me....and maybe you!

    bungie ran out of good ideas (or fired their map makers) for multiplayer maps! yes remakes are nice and we appreciate them. BUT NOT WHEN THE GAME SHIPS! they had what like 3-5years after halo 3 and the ship the game with like 5-6 remade, already played countless hours on, maps from the years!

    -plus the FW maps they gave us aren't even forged that well...(glitchy, and a lot of gaps in merging)

    anyone else agree with the overall statement about maps?
    (i also play really only dubs and some 4v4 in the arena...so i have no comment on any of the bigger maps)
  14. KobraFire

    KobraFire Ancient
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    Armour lock reaaly doesnt bother me and I dont see why a lot of people complain about it. My games never slow down from people using it and if you time it right you can also assasinate them 4 secs after they armour lock.

    Even though the majority of maps they use are on forgeworld I only get mad when I am Forced to Play cliffhanger horrible map considering there are so many great maps out here and trash like that get put on matchmaking.
  15. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    i disagree that the forgeworld maps are crappy, with the exception of pinnicle. 2v2 is good on it, some FFA, but 4v4 doesn't work well. that map blows
  16. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
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    Asylum is terrible for everything except 4v4 Slayer maybe. Pinnacle is good for 4v4 Slayer and rarely Team SWAT, otherwise it sucks. Cliffhanger does well on Team SWAT, fails at everything else. Paradiso is good only for BTB and maybe Elite Slayer. The Cage blows and needs to die in Hell.
  17. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    see I like all the other maps, The Cage specifically. I love that map!
  18. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    You can't honestly keep a straight face when saying Cliffhanger plays Swat well.
  19. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    Reach has terrible maps right now. I'm hoping customs and matchmaking will get better with age. I'm afraid the inclusion of armor abilities may have completely ****ed up their map designs, because now they have to design to include them. All I really wanted was a repackaged and seemingly new halo 3 that would bring everyone back to the game. Not what I got. I'm also looking forward to seeing how MLG settings v2 for Reach are. I think MLG will be a really good playlist for Reach if they get a few really good maps for matchmaking. I don't think I'll be playing this game until I get bored of Black Ops. I've been playing halo 3 though and it's still loads of fun. If you liked halo 3 better, play it.
  20. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    I've noticed making good swat maps is incredibly difficult, and the best way is to make a bunch of maps and see which one plays well for swat.

    Back to Reach in general, I feel like Bungie left out a few significant things when telling us about it, like the fact that everything costs five times more to go with the higher budget on forge world, and that they just threw together a crappy gametype customization system, and that they forgot to place any useful objects on maps other than forgeworld, and the campaign/firefight online system lags like a Bad Company 2.

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