hello forge hub i need help on forge i am making a map and is it possible to make a map suitible for all game types if it is possible can someone tell me
You'll need to use the advanced option when grabbing a hill marker, capture plate or even respawn points. If you only want a hill to show up in KoTH, go into King of the Hill Forge, then make the hills game specific. Grab an object>Advanced options>Gametype specific (true) then select what you want that desired object to be. BTW, nice answer combat.
I'm not all that sure what you're getting at. Seeing as this is already hard enough (giggidy) to explain, try finding a thread on this subject. Shouldn't be difficult.
ok i will start from the top: I have made a map and it only supports slayer and infection but is it possible to label it more than one type game type
scottjm77, I am going to attempt to answer your questions here. Your question has a degree of vagueness that makes it harder to answer than you may think. And ultimately you may just be trolling, but I can't know for sure, and I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt so here it goes. Look Here
You can make a map compatible for all gametypes, but bear in mind that objects cannot have more than one gametype label objects that are gametype-specific only show up in the gametype that matches their label to apply a gametype's labels, you must select that gametype in the Forge lobby So you may run into problems. For example, you may want a specific Flag Stand to be a Flag in CTF and a Territory in Territories, but you can't give it multiple labels. The solution is to place two gametype-specific Flag Stands in the exact same spot, giving each of them a label. (So a gametype-specific TERR_OBJ and a gametype-specific CTF_FLAG (or whatever that label is) in the same place.)