Remake Midship

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by spartanvsworld, Oct 29, 2010.

  1. spartanvsworld

    spartanvsworld Forerunner

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    So, I recreated Midship for the Forgotten Treasures 2 contest. This map took a great deal of time and essentially constitutes my first "finished product" of a map. I've set it up to support a good deal of game-types. Download, have fun, please give me some feedback!


    Images available in high resolution in my File Share.

    Edited by merge:

    Cool, so I had tried to list this as the thread's screenshot:

    But for some reason it didn't work. If anyone knows how to fix this, please clue me in.

    Mick edit: Add it to the thumbnail image url portion. I fixed it for you.
    #1 spartanvsworld, Oct 29, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2011
  2. rbenhase

    rbenhase Ancient
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    The purple light color looks great, although a true remake of Midship in Forge World is quite difficult. What made Midship so attractive was its curves and shiny purple finish. There's really no way to achieve this in Forge World. I applaud your efforts as it show that you put time into this, and overall I think it's about as best anyone could to at recreating Midship.

    Nice job, you just set out to take on a very difficult task.

    Also, I would suggest posting more pictures. There's two of the same one up there.

    EDIT: You updated the thread with more pictures while I was posting. Sorry.
  3. spartanvsworld

    spartanvsworld Forerunner

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    I've essentially done my best to make a "Forerunner Midship." The pieces involved are all obviously of Forerunner origin, so I got pithy with the file description - "The layout of Covenant vessels is often based on Forerunner architecture."

    You're right, though, it's not the sleek, curved map from Halo 2. There simply aren't enough "Dish" pieces allowed to make that happen, lol.

    Edited by merge:

    NEW LINK FOR Remake Midship

    Link updated, fixed some objects that weren't appearing correctly and positioned loadout cameras. Typo in description fixed.
    #3 spartanvsworld, Oct 31, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2010
  4. R3D DRA6ON

    R3D DRA6ON Ancient
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    From the pictures it looks like you're getting close to a good remake. Yes as rbenhase said, Midship was about curves and purple, but it just can't be done here in Forge World.

    Now as for some critique. The center platform where the sword is above it may look nice, but it is completely useless. The one way shield you can't walk on. You'll just bounce about it. The same goes for sticky grenades. Normal frags will still blow up after a bounce. So I would get rid of that one way shield and put a floor, or if you were aiming for someone to see up there through that, a window.

    The bridges leading to the center platform are also odd from the pictures. I can see that the end nearest the center is not attached. That is fine, makes it closer to the original, but as for the opposite side, it isn't attached either. Were you meaning for the bridges to just hover out there? I would see this hurting gameplay just a little.

    Just another small thing, but its just my own gripe, in the center bottom. You have just a drop and no ramps leading in/out toward each base from the center. The ramps were there in the original from what I can remember. I don't really see this messing with gameplay much at all, just a small little thing I can see.

    Even with those things said it looks like it is close. Looking forward to an updated version, because I have been on the lookout for all the remakes to gather up the best of the best, and I haven't seen any good Midship remakes yet.
  5. spartanvsworld

    spartanvsworld Forerunner

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    Constructive criticism appreciated!

    The idea behind the one-way shield was to do something to imitate the old center platform -- a wobbly pink object in Halo 2. It bounced and moved under your weight and explosions and it did unpredictable things -- so I wanted to replicate that experience somehow. The bounce of the shield wall was my attempt at that. It's not perfect, and if I find another solution for that I may implement it.

    The purpose of the floating bridges was to give players a quick way down. I placed the purple lights under them to give the impression that they were keeping the bridges up. I think the gaps and spaces add to your options, and in play-testing they saved my life once or twice. The gaps are visible enough that I don't think people will mistakenly fall, but it obviously wasn't in the original.

    As far as ramps up from the center, they're not there. In fact, in the original, it's significantly harder to make the jump from the center upwards to either of the bases. In Midship/Heretic the best way across the middle was to use the grav lifts to float you from one side to the other.

    Thanks for the input! Feel free to respond to my assertions about the gaps/shield helping game-play. If they're terribly unpopular I'll find a way to modify them.

    Edited by merge:

    So it turns out that you're not the only person who isn't into the gaps. And the grav-lifts in the bases sometimes deal damage if you jump into them at the wrong angle.

    So much for "finished product," eh?
    #5 spartanvsworld, Nov 3, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2010

    ASSASSINinWH1TE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Best. Remake. Yet. The one way shield door up to the sword on the tele frame... brilliance, and best of all NO ROCKS!

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