Metropole V3.0

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by vinkiant, Nov 1, 2010.

  1. vinkiant

    vinkiant Forerunner

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    Hello, i'm a french player and i'm not good at english
    this is a big bridge for combat at vehicule and longe range

    Armes :
    4X DMR
    2X Sniper
    2X Shotgun
    2X magnum
    2X Plasma pistol
    2X Rocket
    2X Machine gun
    1X Concussion rifle
    1X Grenade laucher
    1X Spartan laser
    4X Plasma grenade
    2X Frag grenade

    Véhicules :
    4X ghost
    4X Whartog
    2X Whartog gauss
    2X Wraith
    2X Mangouste

    Screens :
















    Sorry for the short description, is because i'm really bad at english ...
  2. Forgetacular

    Forgetacular Forerunner

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    Hey,that's kind of cool. You should setup landmines and barricades/obstacles on the bridge. You don't HAVE to. Just suggesting it.
  3. vinkiant

    vinkiant Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Thanks ^^

    At the first i wanted to put baricade, but i have 0$ ...
    the bloc 1x1 on the sides is to do less empty
  4. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    From what I can see, this map looks very open. I can't say for sure, but it seems that adding a little cover would go a long ways on this map. Out of budget? Well, consider deleting less important parts of the map to make room.

    Also, I took the liberty of writing up a post for you. I too know how hard English is to learn (Born in Bosnia & Herzogivina), so I figured the least I could do was fix up some of the spelling mistakes in your post.


    Just Copy and Paste the below:
    Hello, I'm a French player and I'm not very good at English
    This is a big bridge for combat involving vehicles and longe range weaponry.

    4X DMR
    2X magnum
    2X Plasma pistol
    2X Shotgun
    2X Sniper
    2X Rocket
    1X Concussion rifle
    1X Grenade laucher
    1X Spartan laser
    2X Machine gun

    4X Plasma grenade
    2X Frag grenade

    4X Ghost
    4X Warthog
    2X Warthog, Gauss
    2X Wraith
    2X Mongoose















  5. Lamasutra

    Lamasutra Forerunner

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    I have already played on this map like 2 days before. I suggest that you work the aestethic, because many maps like this one exist (i.e. tacoma Bridge) and your one hasn't catchy qualities.

    J'ai déjà fait une partie là-dessus y'a deux jours. Je te conseil de travailler en premier la beauté de la map car elle fait un peu vide. Regarde par exemple les maps Tacoma Bridge ou Reach Highway sur forgehub. L'important, c'est que ta map se montre comme unique, hors sur ces images on ne voit pas ce qu'elle a de plus qu'une autre.
    Sinon perso j'aurai amélioré les canons à homme qui ne serve strictement à rien. Ils te poussent 10 mètres plus loin mais t'en as toujours pour trois heures à aller jusqu'en face à pied :surprise:
    Met peut-être des téléporteurs qui t'amènent au milieu parce que j'ai jamais vu personne sur le pont.

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