
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by SpecterCody, Oct 31, 2010.

  1. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
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    Empire V2

    V2.1- fixed all gametype compatibility problems

    The next step is to polish each gametype's objective and spawn locations, which requires the help of you! Any gameplay feedback is much appreciated!

    Empire is a medium sized urban combat map with an asymmetrical layout that was specially planned to play in a balanced way. The aesthetics are all very pleasing and unique. Attention to detail was paid in every single aspect of this map. The layout consists of two opposing bases connected by various bridges, balconies and even man-cannons. The center is wide open. Red base is an expansive warehouse with a tunnel access below with a 1-way shield door for a surprise entrance. Blue base is a two story confined bunker space with views of red base on the upper end. Between both bases on either side of the center plaza are four towers connected by bridges, man-cannons, lifts and balconies. The towers provide an excellent vantage point above the center but are never safe to camp for long. The fence that divides the center allows travel through the center of the map some cover, but don't linger too long. Combat on a ffa match typically culminates around the center and warehouse with some firefights in the upper bridges and towers. Weapons included:

    -Needle Rifle
    -Focus Rifle
    -Grenade Launcher
    -Concussion Rifle

    And now to the pictures:


    The map is so much better in person, why not try it for yourself and leave some feedback? Thanks and enjoy!
    #1 SpecterCody, Oct 31, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2010
  2. Flak

    Flak Forerunner

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    Oh my. The unique structures on this map blew me away. I have never seen such creative aesthetics ever before on a map. I like the way you utilized multiple height variations to create structures that stand as orientation points around the map. I can't speak first hand on this, but gameplay looks like it would be solid. Great map!
  3. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
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    Thanks a bunch! I went for gameplay first although the aesthetics might make you think otherwise. I'm hoping to get some feedback on how it could be improved so I can add more game types.
    #3 SpecterCody, Oct 31, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2010
  4. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
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    This map looks amazing. I'm not a big fan of asymmetrical maps, but this one is definitely worth downloading.
  5. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
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    I'm glad you like it, although it is quite asymmetrical it still has a decent amount of symmetrical elements, at least enough to split the map into bases.
  6. Bubba3032

    Bubba3032 Forerunner

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    This looks to be a very interesting map. I'm going to download it now and try it out with my friends later today. I'll try to come tell you what we think of it, but I bet they'll like and as will I.
  7. Celic

    Celic Forerunner
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    Love the warehouse area with the 'pit' in the floor. The natural aesthetics truly shine through on this map as well though it does look like it would be confusing to tell what part of the map you were on. Budget pending, you could add struts of different colors to certain areas of the map to designate different areas for callouts.
  8. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
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    I understand what you mean "hey I'm in the tower... which one? uhhh the tall one?" but I think as with most maps you can't immediately tell where you are because you aren't accustomed to it yet. I tried to make each part of the map unique and memorable, and different structures are colored differently but its not always very noticeable. Unfortunately my budget was shot so I couldn't add anything further, I would have to sacrifice aesthetics to color each building better. Lastly, for the time being it is designed for ffa slayer mostly so calling out wouldn't be applicable. Thanks for the feedback! :)
  9. Antares777x

    Antares777x Forerunner
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    Wow, sweet aesthetics.

    Any chance that this will be submitted in the forgetacular contest?
  10. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
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    With some proper feedback I will make a final version which I would like to enter into the contest.
  11. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I took a run around this map and it is beautiful. The pictures really don't do it justice. The layout seems to flow very well, and visually the map is quite different from anything I've seen so far. I only have 3 things I'd like to see changed in the map.

    1. There seems to be Z fighting in a few places in the map. If you're entering it into the forgetacular event, this will kill your map's chances. Z fighting = Baaaad. Shishka, who was in charge of putting custom content into Halo 3, said Z-fighting would kill a maps chances back then, so I figured that still applies now.

    2. The entrance to the bunker/sniper seems a bit small. If I were you, I'd remove the bridge/wall piece you have and just open the space up.

    3. This one I think is the most important. I'd remove that top lift/perch from your map all together. It'll kill the flow/gameplay of the map. I wouldn't necessarily remove the tower, but I'd remove the ability to reach that upper perch. Possibly move that shotgun to where the lift is now. The space holds too great of a view and is too obscure of a location when looking from the ground. I'd scrap it and this map is solid.

    Overall the map seems wonderful. With some tweaks I wouldn't be surprised to see this featured. It does have a tree or two in it after all =P.
  12. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
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    1. would you mind explaining what z-fighting is, or link me to something explaining it since I'm not up to date with all the terminology.

    2. That section was just an aesthetic choice, I could expand the door a bit but its meant to obstruct the full view down the hall somewhat, and after some play tests the combat focuses mostly around the warehouse, plaza and the side bridges. For some reason not much draws people to the bunker.

    3. You are probably right about that, it was more of a cool gimmick, nobody ended up using it because the ones who found it probably realized it would be difficult to use, and the shotgun below draws you downward.

    Thanks very much for all your helpful advice!
  13. Antares777x

    Antares777x Forerunner
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    To fix Z-fighting:
    Hold an object that is fighting with another object, and zoom in. Hit and hold L3 (crouch), which enables fine-editing for as long as you are holding it down. Now, moving the object will be much smaller movements. This even works for raising and lowering it with RB and LB.
  14. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
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    Thanks, I could never figure out how to do the fine-tuning :)
  15. Combs53090

    Combs53090 Forerunner

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    Wow. Looks amazing so you got my DL. If there was just a way to fix the black object! haha
  16. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Yeah Z-Fighting is just when 2 objects fight for the same surface space, causing a flickering effect. The easiest way to remove the problem is to slightly alter the height of the two objects. It may cause a subtle "bump", but if you do it right it won't be noticeable.

    And the reason I suggested removing the bunker wall was because it's a very narrow passage, which doesn't make it a very obvious place to be. And if you look at any maps Bungie has put into MM, you'll notice there aren't any narrow passageways. So it would be my assumption to avoid them if possible. And because it's so cramped, and because of it's semi-obstructed view, really limits it's use. If you open that area up, players will see and use the space more frequently. Now I don't know what you could do with the strut that is being used above, because it kind of obstructs movement below (which is why I suspect you blocked the area off in the first place) but it might be worth adjusting that as well.

    Anyways, I'll be keeping an eye on any changes you make
    #18 Draw the Line, Nov 5, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2010
  17. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
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    Thanks again for the feedback, I might have to rethink the whole bunker area if I am to attract players to it like you said although it will be very difficult to alter it much. I already fixed your previous suggestions and am working on several other maps as well. Its hard to focus on just one I suppose, and I never seem to finish any of them.
  18. needy154

    needy154 Forerunner

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    good looking map, although im missing friends to play with : ( lol...GT: machuka01

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