I know a lot of you probably are against this, and I am too, in the missions and stuff. But i really like using these just for fun when roaming the streets. Here are all the ones I've found so far Post some if you find 'em btw: if you are against this, just leave. btw2: these cheats may block you temporarily from getting achievements btw3: dont save, it may prevent you from getting certain achievements Health 482-555-0100 Armor 362-555-0100 Weapons #1 (Baseball Bat, Handgun, Shotgun, MP5, M4, Sniper Rifle, RPG, Grenades.) 486-555-0100 Weapons #2 (Knife, Molotovs, Handgun, Shotgun, Uzi, AK47, Sniper Rifle, RPG) 486-555-0150 Remove Wanted Level (Blocks achievement "Walked free") 267-555-0100 Raise Wanted Level 267-555-0150 Change Weather/Brightness 468-555-0100 Spawn Annihilator 359-555-0100 Spawn Jetmax 938-555-0100 Spawn NRG-900 625-555-0100 Spawn Sanchez 625-555-0150 Spawn FBI Buffalo 227-555-0100 Spawn Comet 227-555-0175 Spawn Turismo 227-555-0147 Spawn Cognoscenti 227-555-0142 Spawn SuperGT 227-555-0168 Complete Map - (with weapon, health, armor, pigeon, etc. locations)[/font] Enter the URL "www.whattheydonotwantyoutoknow.com" into computers in the game Spawn Police Chopper - FLY-555-0100 Spawn Jetmax (Boat) - WET-555-0100 links: http://www.gtaivcheats.net/ http://www.gamesradar.com/xbox360/grand-theft-auto-iv/news/gta-iv-we-have-the-cheats-/a-20080428125512484043/g-2006051014323586065
oh yeh and to add to that, when you use the cheat once, it goes on your list in your cellphone so you just use it w/out typing in the cheat again.
1] Complete Map - (with weapon, health, armor, pigeon, etc. locations) Enter the URL "www.whattheydonotwantyoutoknow.com" into computers in the game Is not a cheat 2] Cheats don't temporarily block achievments. It's permanent. Of course only if you save it.
E93, I was just trying to warn people if they use the cheats and save it you wont get certain achievments... I thought that was something people should know... Just in case they wondered why they weren't getting a certain achievment. I would certainly want to know that. The website thing is not a cheat... -rollseyes- Websites for GTAIV are not cheats. They do not modify the game to your advantage. Also using the website does not disable any achievments... The website you enter into the game (www.whattheydonotwantyoutoknow.com) is considered an easter egg. E93 - In this case you = troll Found here Check out this site on GTAIV www.littlelacysurprisepageant.com
well it's kind of common sense that there will be penalties, cheats ruin the whole acheivement system. I guess you want to be rewarded for taking shortcuts? i'll use these when i'm bored of the game. if that ever happens...
There is no need in the way you are acting. Reynbow was only trying to be helpful, and he is right, not you. The map doesnt count as a cheat. If you put it in you can still get achievements. Please dont talk like that again.
I'm not seeing like all the cheats I was hoping for .... hopefully they just haven't been discovered yet.
I apologize for the above mistakes. I copied it directly from a website that had it under cheats, and i believed they were right. As to being rude, i'm like that. i take the offensive too often, you gotta really get used to it. yeah, so enough we'll be jet-packing to michelle's house...lol