I'm suprised you're shocked. A long time ago, I realized this when looking for a friend's username. The people who aren't posting are still important though, they are the people who make up the majority of people who come here to see good maps, that don't really care about posting, because its boring. I'm glad that they don't post anyway, because if they all did the site would be flooded with people, and be hard to separate good maps from bad
Psh...You younglings, celebrating over a mere 532 posts? Interesting, we get 23 Million hits? We should really seek out for more game developer ads, then. But don't advertise for EA.
very true, when I first signed up with forgehub, I barely ever posted until I realised how awesome this site was, which was like a month or so later. Now I check it every day, and I'm always posting, voicing my opinion. forgehub.com = best site Oh and I'm gonna get to 1000 posts soon. And I'll make it a grand post, one to remember.
Yeah but some people are new like me , ive barely been on forgehub about a month so i havent had time to post 400-500+ posts. There are also other reasons why people dont post. Lost passwords , Holidays etc. I havent had time to post above above 100+ posts , ive only been registered on forgehub about a month do thats my excuse. Double post , sorry. my computer's never lagged like that before.
This happens on most websites. For every 50 that join, only a handfull will stay. Slowly the amount of active people will rise, but you shouldnt compare it to the amount of people who are actually on the website. Many join just to see the maps, not to discuss. Theres no harm in that.
AWWWW DUDE! Nemihara! B.A man tellign the askars they aren' coo cause you a UNSC Spaataaan! Dude! (Lol, you spam boy, lol)
That somebody is the administrator of this site. Keep your tongue in check, lest the Brit cast it off. And my mommy says that I have a lot of posts because I'm special.
I suppose I shouldn't make fun of people who are mentally retarded, since some of my families friends are. But my sociopathic abuse of people couldn't resist.
i think that there are lots of meaninful things to say on here about maps thre gametypes, things about halo people dont understand and just random stuff. i almost always find something worth commenting on everyday but sometimes its just one post and sometimes i dont post atall im not trying to get a good rank or anything just enjoy myself.
How Do Post A Thread Well Their I Guess I Got Atleast 99 More Posts To Go Until I Can Uplode My Own Maps But As Of Now I Am Wondering How Do I Post My Own Post Threads? :squirrel_chatting:
go to the first page of a forum (not a thread) and there will be a box on the top left of the threads box called "thread tools" Then click it and you will get a pop-down list. You will come to this menu where you can write your title and your content. This has been a public service announcement by Ferretness, thank you and be safe.