
Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by IDeLuZioNaLIBKI, Oct 31, 2010.

  1. IDeLuZioNaLIBKI

    IDeLuZioNaLIBKI Ancient
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    (this has ben reposted because it belongs here not casual)

    Do you Remember playing Pac-Man? Well its Back and its better than ever.This is a very VERY fun game that you will love. Increadible creative and an EXACT REPLICA of what the Arcade Pac-Man looks like.

    Objective of Pac-Man: Run away from the zombiez untill you get a power up then chase them and kill them when you do

    Objective of Ghosts: Kill the Humans while there weak, but if they get a power up RUN AWAY

    YouTube - Pac-Man Halo Reach Infection

    THE Map
    There are teleporter that take yo to other side of map like THE REAL GAME
    The Custom Power Up(aka the thing that lets you kill zombiez)only spawns evary 2minutes and last 30 second so be careful like THE REAL GAME

    1-4zombiez spawn in a little room after 15 seconds 1st is released then 25 seconds 2nd realesed and so like THE REAL GAME

    Become invinceble when you pick up the custom power up and kill zombies
    (btw zombiez cant pickup the power up LIKE THE REAL GAME)


    Well this is a very fun game type and map hope you enjoy it (i know you will) Download and like Thanks

    YouTube - Pac-Man Halo Reach Infection
  2. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
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    I don't get it. How can the zombies not pick it up?
  3. IDeLuZioNaLIBKI

    IDeLuZioNaLIBKI Ancient
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    good question well in order to get the custom power up u need to jump a little(25%) only the pac man can jump just enough to get the power up zombies cant jump at all :D
  4. One iiNSANE Kid

    One iiNSANE Kid Ancient

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    You say they last for 30 seconds and respawn ever 2 mins? this means with timing a human can be invincible?
  5. IDeLuZioNaLIBKI

    IDeLuZioNaLIBKI Ancient
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    lol actually its hard to do that even i who hav created this map have problems doing that in order to do that you would have to plan out evarything out and not miss a single sencond in between the times u got the last power up plus wen u run out of power up and ur in normal mode ghost are probably gonna get you remember its a maze in a way so you have to find your way to places
    #5 IDeLuZioNaLIBKI, Oct 31, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2010
  6. coyotemoon722

    coyotemoon722 Ancient
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    Yeah 30 seconds is WAAAAAY to long. The original pacman powerup lasts for 10 seconds. Also, there's no need to speed pacman up that much, just a little is fine. The point is to lure the ghosts toward the pellet, then grab it and attack. The ghosts will be vulnerable at that point.

    This gametype always makes me wish they had AI drones. Then you could have a realistic 3D pacman game. As is, you have to depend on a little roleplay to get the ghosts to behave perfectly. Nice looking map though.
  7. iMason

    iMason Forerunner

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    Im not to sure on the speed of the pacman , but i like the areana and the idea i remeber playing it back in H3 :)
  8. IDeLuZioNaLIBKI

    IDeLuZioNaLIBKI Ancient
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    ty guys for feedbak if you dont like the power up last time or speed just change it in game options =D but nice to know you all like the map
  9. serfma

    serfma Forerunner

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    Very fun to be pac man and go *OM NOM NOM NOM* on the ghosts. :D
    I helped some creating this map too. ;)
    Very nice.

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