
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by FlaPvsJacK, Oct 31, 2010.

  1. FlaPvsJacK

    FlaPvsJacK Forerunner

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    Province of area of rule..

    Please feel free to add my account on my sixth Halo Reach: Map Varient. Province

    This map is set for multiple teams. Up to 4 teams/ 16 max head cap. I will love to host to anybody who would like to join the carnage. BYOB

    There is a safe boundary/kill boundary placed on the island so the fight will only continue on the forge map. Making the size to small depending on how you like to play.

    Download here: : Halo Reach : File Details

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    YouTube - Halo Reach Map Variant ~ Province
    #1 FlaPvsJacK, Oct 31, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2010
  2. iFizzy

    iFizzy Forerunner

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    Wow. I love the opening in the first screenshot, and everything's really neat and clean. Dl's :)
  3. CaptainSize

    CaptainSize Forerunner

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    ^^^ what he said. looks good from the pictures and vid gonna give it a go later.
  4. Mabolsa Ritchie

    Mabolsa Ritchie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very nicely forged although lacking colour the grey is overpowering.
  5. R3D DRA6ON

    R3D DRA6ON Ancient
    Senior Member

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    From your video walkthrough, the map looks very clean. I do have to agree with Mabolsa Ritchie that the gray is overpowering, but that isn't completely your fault. Bungie gave us a very gray pallet to work with, but you could change the items to have at least a few lights on them a different color so that people know where they are on the map. If it is symmetrical, like yours is, it can be confusing when you spawn and think that you're on the other side of the map when you're not.

    Also another small thing I noticed is the fact that in the very center you have the rockets up where only someone with a jetpack can get to it (as you demonstrated in the video). I am not much for the jetpack so this could be a little basis (I like using holograms/sprint), but there should be a way to get to the rockets without using it. It gives a little too much advantage to the jetpack user (both a high ground / camping grounds, and a rocket launcher).

    Other than those two little things, I would have to say this looks like a solid map. Just one last question, what is the weapon listing? The video and pictures barely give you a hint.
  6. II6clique jxIxj

    II6clique jxIxj Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very nice map bud, I like it alot. The size and the aesthetics are pefect! But I have one suggestion, make it so that anyone can get to the rockets, not just someone who has a jetpack
  7. FlaPvsJacK

    FlaPvsJacK Forerunner

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    Rocket Lanucher X1 Respawn:120 Clip:1
    Plasma Pistol x2 Default
    Plasma Repeater x1 Default
    Plasma Rifle x1 Default
    DMR x1 Default
    Needler x1 Default
    Needler Rifle x1 Default
    Shotgun x1 Defualt

    Honestly, I didnt even want to put the rocket launcher in there. Its just a nice campy spot for Jetpackers. But hey, its Forge. Download it,change it and enjoy if you believe that is better.
    As for color, the entire map is color coated (Red,Blue,Yellow,Green) in there designated team areas. And I wanted it to stay that way. When I was making the video as Slayer, all the colors reverted back to grey. Unless, there is a simple option tick I am missing, its gonna be grey on Slayer. But team base games should flesh out the grey.

    Thank you for the replies everyone. Happy Halloween!
  8. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like the symmetrical layout and the aesthetics, may I suggest altering the height of the yellow/green spawn rooms to break up the line of sight down the long 2nd story hallways and to add some different levels.
  9. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow! This map feels almost like a campaign level! This map really appears to flow well and the architecture for most of the rooms is absolutely gorgeous. I also like the height variations between hallways you used in several places as compared to having one big ramp. Besides the jetpacker camping spot, where you should REALLY add some grav lifts or something, this looks like a great map. Sorry I can't DL right now, but none the less I think this map is great!
  10. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    I was having this same problem in my maps as well but I realized that there are two different options for coloring objects. I believe you can select the team color of the object, which only shows up when there is a team of that color, or at the bottom of the same set of options, you can change the object color, which works in regular slayer as well. If this is the problem, it looks like you'll just have to go through all the pieces again, change team color back to neutral, and go down to the other option and change the color there instead. Nice map though.
  11. FlaPvsJacK

    FlaPvsJacK Forerunner

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    Ive updated several requests. Two grav lifts were added so everyone can gain access in the center tower. Rocket Launcher has been replaced with Sniper Rifle Respawn:90 Clip:1
    Added few minor structure changes for better gameplay.

    The entire map is color coated for better guidance. Thx CyborgAnthro

    Check out the video to see the differences.

    Again thx for the responses!

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