At one time, huge lengthy Suspension bridges linked much of Reach. After the invasion, most were destroyed, but a few pieces remain here and there. Errat Bridge is one such place.....and a place of intense conflict. Two Splinter Spartan Factions, Red Squad and Blue Squad constantly battle for control of this vital link between the Pillar and the Alaska Mesa. Red Squad is Based on the Alaska Plateau... While Blue Squad is Based out of a facility on the Pillar... Each Team's Base is Equipped with: 2 Sniper Rifles 2 Frag Grenades 2 Plasma Grenades 1 Shotgun 1 Magnum 1 Splaser 1 Fuel Rod Cannon 2 Mongeese 1 Warthog (Standard) 1 Falcon 1 Scorpion (Though Blue has a way to go to get to theirs....see below) A "front line" for the battle had been established... Until Red Squad planted a quantum fusion charge and took out a section of the bridge... Amazingly, 2 open plasma conduits in the bridge allow the spartans to propel their vehicles across the gap.... The Battle on this bridge centers on 2 facilities such bridges were equipped with. First, a fuel depot: Be careful near the fuel pumps.... The Fuel Depot houses a variety of exotic weapons, such as: Gravity Hammer Plasma Launcher Rocket Launcher Grenade Launcher Focus Rifle 2 Sniper Rifles 4 Frag Grenades 4 Plasma Grenades Needler Warthog Pink Mongoose Orange Mongoose Further along the bridge, is the Emergency Evac Facility: located under the bridge, these facilities were recently installed to aid settlers and soldiers to escape Covenant attack. Inside, one can find: 2 DMRs 2 Magnums 2 Plasma Grenades 1 Banshee 1 Falcon The Final Zone of interest is the abandoned "front line" near the damaged section of bridge: The Blue Squad's Tank is trapped on this side of the bridge, and behind the barricades, Red team left behind several weapons. Should you find yourself down below, there is an access to the fuel depot from the island: Check it out....and enjoy!
this looks really fun I like how you kinda broke the bridge, even though it doesnt look really realistic it still looks like some fun. Downloadd
I have seen way to many bridge maps on this website. Even though it annoys me how there is so many, this one is one of the best.
This looks really fun, I think this looks like it could be made into a pretty cool invasion map, now that would be epic
I plan to revise it to include other gametypes...but I am still learning the details for those....stay tuned for updates!
I love this map It looks great but I don't like the break it looks like it would slow down movement of the game. And not to rain on your parade but the bridge is technically located on a halo not reach but who care's. Good job on the map
I hear ya.....on my "Big Team" maps, I like to promote vehicle use.....the tank being so far away is a bit of a disadvantage....but is balanced by the distance of the front line to the bases. Amazingly, the Heavy Man cannons do a GREAT job of propelling vehicles over the gap....though the landing can be rough sometimes! lol Creative Spartans take the Scorpion over....