This is my first map with halo reach, and i spent quite a bit of time on it. It should be great for all things slayer and team slayer. I saw Atom and I really liked it. From there, I decided that I would create a smaller map that took inspiration from it, but didn't copy it. I think I've succeeded with this map. It has 3 levels of gameplay, and its format allows for some really intense fights. Please message me on this forum or on xbox live to my gametag demeaningmax if you've playtested it and you like it, or simply have some critique. Thanks, and enjoy!
you might want to add the photos to the original thread. and i dont think youre allowed to use pictures straight from bungie, you have to embed them... go here to find out how to do this
The map looks okay, but it seems like the kind of map you just put together. A couple more pictures would be nice as well because I fell like im not seeing the maps true potential.