YouTube - Emperor's Throne Room ok nerds, here it is. The Emperor's Throne Room! Another forge first by yours truly. what do I mean by "forge first"? with all my maps i try to incorporate an artistic feature in a way that hasn't been done before (or at least to my knowledge). with my first map "Death Star Invasion" many of you know there is the laser beam emanating from the center of the death star (only visible in the first phase of invasion game) which is actually a fully functioning hill marker. with this one there is the lovely window box with flag stands for stars, energy swords for laser beams, and three star destroyers. obviously the window is the focal point of the map but please take note the embellishments around the doorways and the fact that i built a lot of my bridges, platforms, and cover with nonconventional pieces. if i did use a bridge for a bridge, i flipped up side down and made my own railings to suit my aesthetic desires. i got lucky with the death star being so aesthetically appealing and at the same time having such epic game play (seriously, that map gives me the giggles every time we launch a full room) this map however has more aesthetics than gameplay BUT i do think there is great fun to be had with territories, king of the hill, and juggernaught. i'll be leaving the country for the next three weeks (another reason for the long post, sorry.) and with such an overwhelming response to the preview i had to release it without testing it. so if you like the map, and would like to recomend some tweaks, i'm all ears. and before i go, expect the final version of the death star late november and there is currently an updated "dth str invasion" game type in my file share. oh yeah, and the video i'm making for the death star is going to be utterly epic. stay tuned and enjoy. lYARDl
I've seen the thread for this on the Bungie forums. Although it didn't get a good reception there (Forum rules and all), I watched the video and I have to say, it looks superb! I think the stairs could've been done better though. There seems to be gaps in between each step. I believe it's in my download queue, but I can't play it because my Xbox is dead
ok, HOLY **** that space battle looks awesome. probably the coolest forge thing Ive ever seen. But it looks small for an Invasion map...
Sunday, October 31, 2010: Woke up around eight o'clock. Did some aerobics. Ate stuff. Spent the rest of my time with family. Happened to take a chance peek at Forgehub at 12:58, and guess what I saw? A title that could only belong to the world's coolest aesthetic map, a map that I've been tracking for over a week now. ... Jesus Freaking Tity-Cinnamon am I glad you finally posted this. Screw Fronk. Screw the giant Brute. This, right here, is the greatest aesthetic map ever posted. From the first few moments of walking through a dark hallway into a wide, open, malevolent room, to the actual arcitecture of the room itself, everything about this map seems to have takent a special amount of care. Oh, but the real breadwinner here is...well, you guessed it: The giant friggin' space battle taking place right outside your throne room. Damnit. star Wars geek or not, I think I love you. Cheers, and congrats. HarisSales. Edit: And you made this on freaking Boardwalk?! Holy crap!
This is really sick. I actually thought about doing this but was stumped on how to get all the details. You've really come up with so many tricks its amazing and looks great. Ive also been working on something similar to this in the sense that there is a detailed miniature background. Its a new brand of aesthetics that I find really fun to make and actually more epic than the large collossi people are making
The aesthetics are top-notch and extremely creative, this should be moved to the proper section since its a little too small to hold normal combat.
1 thing I don't like about this is that the rocket launcher is in your face once you spawn. And that givs someone the chance to jump up and shoot in that little hallway and kill all the people on the team. That is a very big advantage. But everything else looks pretty cool. DLed
Wow... after looking at this in forge, I've got to say this is the most creative use of objects I've seen in Reach forge yet. Great job man, looking at all the details up close in the space bit is really impressive. Nominated for FHF.
whoa whoa, sorry my bad. it is a forge world map. [br][/br]Edited by merge: yeah I insisted on having gaps in between the steps to match the theme i was going for. before i came up with the idea of the exploding star destroyer i had a light under the steps to accent the gaps. [br][/br]Edited by merge: there is only a re-spawn in there in FFA games only and it is never an initial spawn point, i agree, that would be dumb. i may even remove that one. we'll see. [br][/br]Edited by merge:
Impressive! Well what can I say, this is VERY impressive The area with the throne is very good, and the window is probably the most identical one I've seen so far, but that space battle... that's my favourite bit of all Although, to make this map even more aesthetic, is if you actually added the elevator area instead of that room, and the chasm in which the Emperor meets his demise. Then this map would be perfected Overall, I think that space battle is an absolute inspiration Good work