Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by AnotherClaymore, Oct 29, 2010.

  1. AnotherClaymore

    AnotherClaymore Forerunner

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    Hello my gamertag is AnotherClaymore This is my first time visiting the ForgeHub and I would like to post one of my original creations. I have not been able to test this map for weapon/objective/player spawn locations so they will most likely need to be adjusted. Feedback in these areas would be greatly appreciated. I would love to be involved in some testing of maps, either mine or yours, send me a Friend Request and I will gladly join any custom forge maps for testing. Thanks in Advance.


    Map Name: UNSC Echo
    Players: 4-16
    Concept: 4v4 Symmetrical CTF Map. Bridge with identical Bases for Red/Blue on either side, a clear Upper and Lower Area across the bridge.


    This is V2.0 (removed my tag, KB from the background and added cover to the front of both blue and red base. Weapon spawns are still subject to change pending more play tests. Thanks in advance for any constructive feedback.


    A Key UNSC Military Choke Point, this Bridge Connects Montana and Alaska.
    #1 AnotherClaymore, Oct 29, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2010
  2. Kealan 02

    Kealan 02 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map is mind blowing!
    I spawned on the lowest floor in Red Base when I loaded it up on forge, and as I walked from level to level my opinion grew from 'nothing special' to 'this guy is a GENIUS!'

    The architecture slots together beautifully, and there are so many additional routes to each place if you just think a little outside the box.

    The Pictures don't do it justice!

    I did find a few things that would be subject to change.
    1. The Shotgun Spawn? What is going on there? You have to be very lucky to spawn inside that room to get the shotgun, and the one way shield means there is no way to get it otherwise.

    2. The Sniper spawn is in a place that would be completely overlooked by each team until someone makes it to the centre of the map and looks up.

    3. 2 Lasers? That may be a bit much considering there aren't any vehicles for the laser to counter, so as an anti personnel weapon, it may be a bit overpowered, especially considering the Brace Tunnel that can be used to take the player right to the top of the map. But I don't know, I haven't played a game on this map yet, so the lack of really overpowering sight lines may give the lasers ground for their continued existence on this map.

    Hopefully if I get a few of my friends online I can play a game on this map and then I can give better feedback on the problems suggested above.
  3. AnotherClaymore

    AnotherClaymore Forerunner

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    Thanks for your feedback, I guess i should take more photo's and do a better description of this map, i think it would gain alot more interest. But as u discovered i have alot of work to do on balancing this map still.

    1. If you really try you can discover an alternate route to get to the shotgun, but you have to think even futher outside the box than before. However I will consider removing the one way door, i just wanted to prevent enemies from taking the alternate route and camping back there.

    2. The sniper is also intentionally placed kinda hidden, There are alot of very open areas on the upper levels I wanted you to have to not only work to get to the sniper but then have to work to get to a good position, not just hand it to you on the sniper platform so you can dominate instantly as soon as you grab it.

    3. I did both limit the ammo and jack up the respawn timers of the lazers, they are not usually overpowering in the games i have play tested, but could be abused by a team that knew where they were and could lock down the spawns.

    Thanks a ton for your feedback, after some more play testing I will def be evaluating the weapon spawns and there will be changes, not sure how many or where but things will be different than they are now thats for sure. any input on how to better the current setup is more than welcome.

    If you like this map, please recommend it to your friends, Thanks.

    HOBO ITCHY Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    So,after downloading this and running around,here are my thoughts:

    (First,I'd like to prescribe this 'grain of salt' to take with my critique)

    At first,from the pictures,I thought maybe you had ripped off my map,"Tension Span",having a multi-level bridge that spans Alaska and Montana,but upon running around in forge, I realized it was just a coincidence that they happened to be built in the same space-and that's where the similarities ended.

    I don't quite understand how you used up your entire budget (-$5) in such a small area without running into framerate problems,but it seems to not suffer from lag... (I had to re-build Tension Span 3-4 times in most areas to get the framerate to chill out)
    HOWEVER,it is pretty clear that you used up your budget with the sheer volume of STUFF everywhere. While it might play well for hide and seek type games,Infection,etc., I can't picture playing slayer of objective games on it,as it's super confusing just trying to walk,let alone trying to get to a destination.
    Lines of sight average about 8 feet,from what I could see,and it's very difficult to navigate. Once at the upper levels of the map,it opens up a bit more,but even then,with the layout of the "Large Walkway" ramps,it's still hard to get a line of sight on people below.
    Kealan 02 mentioned how the architecture slots together beautifully...I actually ran into a couple places where a simple ramp ended up leaving me stuck at the top making me jump the last bit to get up,as well as places where ends of things didn't connect smoothly with ends of other things....also I found a couple instances of Z-Fighting which is more a pet-peeve of mine, really, than anything else.

    All in all,I think it looks pretty,but mostly from a distance...once inside it's quite a jumbled tangle...and I figure if I was getting shot at,it would be even more confusing.
    If I were to offer any advice (or if you'd even think of taking my advice,after this *****-fest...*sorry*) I'd suggest :

    and above all,
    (I have mental problems that make me magnify the bad while being callous to the good)
  5. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    You definately need more pictures, like at least 8-10, show off the whole thing.
    #5 ThrowinDemBows, Nov 6, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2010
  6. AnotherClaymore

    AnotherClaymore Forerunner

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    HOBO: Thanks for your feedback, even if it was completely nonconstructive and just tried to point out flaws not help address how to better my map at all. Constructive criticism is suggesting ways to improve a map, not try and point out the fact that there are very minimal areas where there is some 'z fighting' which is a problem with the forge not my map. If your not happy because my map is scaled correctly for 16 players and your map (that you posted days after i posted mine, how could i 'rip u off'?) is entirely to large perhaps u should concentrate on improving your own and not criticize others without even playing on the map once.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but opinions are just not helpful, feedback and constructive criticism are helpful. if you have a specific suggestion on how to improve my map it's more than welcome. (example, remove the lazers they will be overpowering if one team gains control of both) If you just want to point out flaws to try and make ur map look good, your not welcome in my thread. thanks.

    BOWS: Thanks, Ill take some pics from the playtest I just did last night, had a good 16 player CTF game that should give me some good action shots from inside the bases and along the outside of the bridge.
    #6 AnotherClaymore, Nov 6, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2010

    HOBO ITCHY Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I really was trying to help-
    Suggesting ways to improve the map?
    You mean like where I suggested opening up the play area a little more so it doesn't feel so claustrophobic? Or where I suggested fixing the ramp that I got stuck on?
    But,honestly; leaving areas of Z-Fighting in your map is the forgers fault,not the Forge.

    And I did not accuse you of ripping off my map (Which I originally posted 2 weeks ago,but re-posted 2 days ago after 50+ dl's because I needed to fix an exploitable area outside the play zone.)
    (which,by the way,actually is NOT entirely too big for btb,it plays well even 3v3 ; I've tested it thoroughly,but thanks for the suggestion)

    As I clearly stated,I said upon looking at the pictures you posted, I thought maybe you had done the same thing as me,because of the location and the fact that it was a bridge between Alaska and Montana,and that I couldn't tell if you had bases like mine from the pics,etc.,but upon downloading your map and actually running around in it I saw that it was all original...Jeez.

    Your map looks really cool.
    It clearly took a long time.
    Much effort,and even skill,went into making it---clearly.

    But when I ran around on it,I felt cramped,crowded,blocked and confused at every turn. Like a cartoon mouse running around in a block of swiss cheese.These are features that could be addressed. In my mind,when someone suggests things about your map that could be addressed that would improve the feeling of game play for all other players,that's CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM.

    ...and I made sure to try and be clear that I was sorry for critiquing so harshly,but I honestly thought that you'd be the type of person who could hear those words and be able to do something with them aside from getting butt-hurt. I was actually trying to offer help... It seemed like you could use it.

    I guess I just should've just said " Meh...it's okay - needs work".

    I didn't realize you only wanted praise.

    (PS- you're welcome for the bump)
  8. coyotemoon722

    coyotemoon722 Ancient
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    I'm agreeing with Hobo on this. I saw this map from the pictures and was really excited to download it, it looked really intricate and fun. But after roaming around a bit, I too found it be difficult to navigate and the odd angles and unlevel horizontal design detracted from the flow of the map. I never felt like I was just cruising through the map, I always felt that moving to different areas was a chore. That's my opinion, and if you don't think it's useful, well I'm sorry.

    The suggestions would be the same as Hobo's: Open it up a little, keep some of those angles, but just make it flow more nicely. A good litmus test is if you can use your full sprint meter to get from one area to another (as in an actual slayer map) you're on the right track.
  9. Diclonius7

    Diclonius7 Forerunner

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    excellent map man!!!
    you should definitely should add more pics and a longer description!
  10. Antares777x

    Antares777x Forerunner
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    glass walls = screen lag. >.<

    The map looks... uh... inetersting.

    Dual lazers seem like a cool idea, I like it, but a lazer and a sniper for each team is weird. I'd pick one to use as a long range antipersonnal weapon on this map and make the other one contested, or just remove it. Also, hidden weapons are not cool for competitive games. Seems to be a lot of height variation on his map, maybe too much. We'll see.
  11. AnotherClaymore

    AnotherClaymore Forerunner

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    Thanks for your input guys, I am listening with a very kin ear. I would like to hear more about peoples feedback about the weapon spawns, laser seems to be alot of peoples concern, the shotgun placement is also subject to change. I personally kinda like the current sniper location and really want to keep it there, if you play any objective game, neutral bomb/flag or koth or oddball or territories or stockpile or anything besides slayer u will basicly be forced into the area directly around the sniper spawn and you will have a clear line of sight on both the blue and red sniper spawn. Think creatively (use a grenade/rocket to knock it down) and you might find that you enjoy the fine nuances of this map as well. I hope that more people PLAY the map and then formulate an educated opinion, but i will work on my presentation and load some more pictures as well.

    If you like this map recommend to your friends, the more feedback the better
    (good or bad, it's all welcome)

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