Here's the thread. : Halo: Reach Forum : // The Unofficial Flyable-Pelican Thread! *UPDATED - TUTORIAL* YouTube - HowTo: Fly a Pelican in Halo Reach Without Modding (Easter Egg) Basically, you get to the checkpoint where you have to kill the guns, and then you flip a switch. Once you flip the switch, you fly through this circular shaped building with your falcon or banshee and it turns into a pelican or phantom, respectively. I've done it, its epic, but not the phantom yet... DISCUSS THE EPICNESS!
It was pretty well hidden, people only found it because of the BWU. The other switches in this level were on the sides of things, whereas this one was on a ceiling, which you would be much less likely to see, even on a good search.
New Alexandria is so full of easter eggs. There is SO much unused space that could easily support many more eggs. I'll bet there are plenty more. This was an interesting find, but it still doesn't top the Grunt disco IMO =P
Awesome. But who could've thought: "hey, there's this button; let's press it, and then fly a Falcon through that big arch thingie over there and see what happens."? Who figures out these easter eggs lol.
Well, i must say that this is a very wonderful amount of WIN. Love cool eggs like this lol, theyre so fun!
My life long Halo dream of flying a Phantom has come true! This is the coolest easter egg imo. I just did it and its extremely fun but i wish you could use the guns on them.
Phantom=super fun Pelican= Why can't I fly this? I can see why pelicans aren't in MM... people would spend all their time with the nose of the pelican in the ground trying to pick people up.
Im glad im not the only one who cant drive the Pelican. It kept leaning sideways while I was flying and I couldnt get it to go up or down, it just stayed at the same level. The Phantom is crazy fun, I wanna get my friends in the side turrets and rain destruction > if only you could shoot the main gun though
The problem with the pelican is that you can't fly around while holding down on the right bumper to go up. You have to stop and then go up which is very frustrating. The phantom can do this so why can't the pelican? Hell, Halo Custom Edition pelican was easier to fly mainly because if you held down the shift key the pelican would float down into a calm landing position where people could get in. Maybe if the pelican was improved upon, then it could get into MM. This version though? Not a chance.
Agreed. If they did put the Pelicans and Phantoms in MM then they would have to make bigger maps so that one teammate can transport his team across the map rather then just around spire or above boneyard.
Pelicans or phantoms have no place in matchmaking, because they'd require a map thats just on a huge scale, like the whole map of forgeworld, but once your pelican or falcon got destroyed, the map would be to big for anything else to be effective.
I'm using the recon controller layout, and if you hold down the left stick, you can go down into a calm landing position...
Reach has some great easter eggs, this one probably being my favorite. I wonder if we can transform any other vehicles. Maybe if we fly one of those Shade turrets through the building, it'll turn into one of those Covenant anti-air guns.
Few things you might not of know. -Phantom, can have 3 marines in 1 each turret (two plasma and the front gun) -Can detach phantoms side turrets -Pelican, can have 1 gunner and not sure how many in back but enough. -Phantom can die and lose its guns because in this level the phantoms can die. -Pelican is invincible. -Pelicans and phantoms can go past the barriers and search as far as you want (fiqued it out because i seen AI pelicans go past barrier) -Phantoms boost = L
The only efficient way I've found to go up in elevation in the pelican is to tilt the nose of the pelican forward, then back up, which makes no sense canonically, as the Pelican has no backwards thrusters, only upwards and forwards. Also, a find this great needed a bump.
You can fit up to 18 people in the back. I saved over 15 Marines and Pushed them towards my friends pelican. Plus the addition to the 3 other players (you and 2 others). Total of 19 in Pelican. Pelican is somewhat difficult to drive. Phantom details will be tested tomorrow. Best easter egg ever! So far only 10 people have it recorded.
Should of added to the list -In pelican or phantom hold RB to get higher. -You can flip the pelican that kicks out.(like flipping any other vehicle)