Tentative Names: Eternal / Foresight / Geo-Dish No. 6 Here is a map Ive been working on with some help from a few friends. It is supposed to support slayer - team and FFA juggernaut oddball hing of the hill invasion While it looks pretty cool, this map is designed for gameplay. It is definately a multi-level/multi-path map. There are no dead end sections. Even the lava room, which looks like a dead end, has a back entrance/exit... a dark hallway. Combat centers itself in the hangar/hole in floor/grav lift area, which is the center of the map. However, you will still see a lot of combat in other areas. The shotgun and hammer give you incentive to enter the lava room, while the sword, sticky launcher, and great cover may entice you into the flooded rooms below the tower and runway. Also, without jetpacks, the flooded section is the only path to the tower besides flying the banshee. Obviously you can jump down from the tower to the runway. A lot of the map is closed in, but the sniper rifle and focus rifle can wreak havoc in the hangar/runway/tower area. Its a somewhat small map, so it works great for 2+ players. Below is a pic of me flying the banshee... except in invasion where there is an extra human temporary base, all of the land is out of bounds, except for the main base itself. The small rocky shore on one side if the base is in bounds, but is hard to reach (seen to the left of the dish in this pic). Falling over the tall vertical wall (to the right of the runway in this pic) will kill you. Also note the rocks at the end of the runway that continue this boundary. Flying over it will be a countdown timer - 10 seconds and you're dead. Most of the roof is out of bounds, but the roof immediately above the hangar is in bounds. The dish is 100% in bounds. A lot of the water is in bounds, and there is enough water to fly over that the air battles can be a lot of fun: The lava room: Getting onto the dish with jetpacks is just a bit tricky... but with a banshee its easy: In the hangar, looking outside: In the lava room, looking out towards the hangar: The yellow end of the narrow tunnel... the other end leads to the back of the lava room and it gets quite dark. Flooded Building: Turret on the runway: Sniper in the tower: Underwater room... if you find it, you may just find a sticky launcher: Invasion Pics: Invasion phase 1 - humans have to fly to the base in falcons... the human spawn is on a distant ridge. the humans must control the air tower for a set amount of time... once the tower is successfully hijacked, the shield door by the helipad will go down and the humans can enter the base. I shocked this falcon with an EMP and it fell into the sea: Invasion phase 2 - use the bomb to blow the doors open: Bomb armed - 1 second til explosion: The bomb going off: Smoking hole in the floor: The hole in the floor is open the entire time in all gametypes except invasion:
weapons on map: 1 shotgun - up to 2 will spawn, long spawn time. this is in slayer, is not in invasion... havent decided about KOTH/Oddball etc. 1 sword, long spawn time. In the flooded shield room. not in invasion. 1 hammer, long spawn time. In a dark corner by the lava pit. not in invasion (maybe in phase 3?) 1 sniper rifle, long spawn time, only 1 spare clip (not in invasion) 1 focus rifle (not in invasion) 1 DMR with full ammo, respawns fast, and multiple are allowed to spawn at once (theme of this map is that the covenant have been using this forerunner structure, but i wanted to work in weaponry as I saw fit for gameplay... if you play it on invasion, you will realize why all the human weapon spawns are by the air tower... in invasion this weapon appears in phase 2... always there in other types) 2 needle rifles - next to each other... very stylish 1 needler 1 plasma repeater 1 plasma rifle 2 plasma pistols - in positions that work out nice for killing banshees. 1 sticky launcher - slayer only - in the hidden underwater room. 1 concussion rifle - this baby is by the lava room and boy does it kick ass there! 1 grenade launcher - in invasion it is at the human far away spawn (you can pick it up in any of the phases) In slayer it is by the air tower and its kinda fun launching grenades into the hangar. 1 magnum. this is sitting by a few camping stools and the shotgun... slayer only. Part of a little thematic excuse to put the shotgun where I wanted it for gameplay... looks like a spartan was doing a little recon when he met an untimely end... 2 spikers. Why? Brutes like to dual wield near lava. Duh. Also: 2 Plasma Turrets - these are in defensive positions at the end of the ruway. They are ontop of the 2 round platforms. 1 Shade Turret - between the 2 'lanes' of the runway (look at the pics) 2 Banshees - in the hangar. In invasion these are protected from spartan hijacking by a 1 way shield door on the hangar. Also, in invasion, there is a 3rd banshee on the runway that never respawns. One of the elites will spawn right behind it at the beginning of the game... all the rest will spawn inside the shielded hangar. If it is left on the runway for too long a spartan could potentially steal it. Also, in invasion there are Falcons for the humans to use. The Elites cannot steal these because of a 1 way shield. If you accidentally go outside as a Spartan, you can get back in by crouching through a small hole that an Elite cannot fit through. It is marked with orange cones to be easily visible to the Spartans. The grenade launcher spawns by it in invasion. The entire Spartan/falcon base is inside a cave. It is out of bounds in all games except invasion. There is a lot of firepower on the map. About as much as the Pit in halo3. (I always considered that map awesome and I loved that I could always get a mauler/shotgun/sword if I really wanted it...) This map does have banshees, but its not that hard to avoid going outside. Also, since a lot of the map is over water, an EMP can be deadly. Invasion is one of the most fun gametypes on this map. It should be perfect for 3v3 (but works for 2v2 well also) because the falcon holds 3 players and there are 3 banshees at the start (and the 3 first spawn points mean that if there are 3 or more players, each banshee will have a pilot spawn directly behind it) This phase is particularly badass because the humans have two starting loadouts... one is Sprint/Assault Rifle/Pistol and the other is Jetpack/Assault Rifle. This means that if you are careful, you can jetpack out of the Falcon and onto the air tower. It is easy to get killed doing this, especially if the falcon is going too fast. Aside from the jetpacks, which appear in phase 1, the loadouts are pretty typical for invasion. It can work for up to 6v6 - there are 2 falcons at the start of the game for the humans. The idea of a bunch of Spartans jetpacking onto a tower from 2 falcons is pretty intense. The elites will find that even with only 3 banshees, there are tons of fun ways to shoot at the falcons... There are 2 plasma turrets and a shade turret that are near the phase 1 objective. In phase 1 (air-focused stage) the Elite defenders respawn in the hangar by default, but they can choose to spawn by the plasma turrets at the end of the runway. The shade turret is about halfway between these spawns. There is a ramp to get up to the shade turret, but an elite can jump directly up to the platform (spartans cant get up there without the ramp or grenade jump/jetpacks). Plasma pistols are found by both spawns. There is also a grav lift that is in invasion only. It is on the second round platform by the end of the runway (with the turret) and allows the elites to get up to the tower easily. Otherwise, the only way to get to the tower is jetpacks or by going through the entire flooded base section. Once the air tower is captured (the phase 1 objective) a shield door is powered down that allows the humans to enter the underwater section of the base. They have to carry the bomb through this and go up the lift into the hangar. The objective to bomb is right near the lift. There are no shotguns, hammers or swords in this phase - the bomb itself is a 1 hit beat down kill, though. A charged plasma pistol can also be used to get that 1 hit beat down punch. 1 thing I want to test is defenders camping at the top of the elevator. It seems kinda dumb to have a lot of campers there, since you are pretty much handing them 95% of the journey, and by going up there, its quite a long journey back to the flooded rooms, the main area of combat in phase 2. Once you make it up the lift, the objective is right near you, ready to be bombed. There are pics of the bomb going off above. The bomb not only blows the doors open, it takes out the power to some shield doors as well. Phase 3 is a core stealing phase, complete with the swords and shotguns we have come to expect in phase 3. There are now 2 ways to get to the core... You can go through the hole and follow a yellow tunnel that gets darker and darker, and eventually leads to the back of the lava room, or you can go right into the front of the lava room through the wide yellow hall/yellow platform. Either way, you will need to take the core to the end of the runway to win (wanted to have an invincible AI pelican waiting there for style, but oh, well) You can take the core right out the front - across the yellow platform and through the hangar. (there is a pic of this 'yellow platform' up top... it's the one with me Armor-Locking just as an EMP hits me.) You can also carry the core through the smaller, darker yellow tunnel, go up the 1 way grav lift, and get outside that way. (can also climb up the hole but you might get shot trying to do so!) The third way is a little sneaky, but it is longer distance wise and kinda tricky. You can carry the core through the flooded rooms, out the exit by the tower, and take it to the objective that way. However, if you are killed while in the deep water, the core will be lost and reset back to its starting position. If the core is captured, the spartans win!
I am looking for people to test this map with me. Aside from advertising the map, that is kinda the point of this thread. I will put a walk-through video of the objectives in my file share, so people know where to go in invasion. I haven't decided when... But i want to test it with 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, 5v5, and 6v6. Would be willing to test 7v7 and 8v8 too, but might be a little cramped, plus since there are only 6 seats on the falcons, some Spartans will have to wait for the falcon to respawn or to be picked up by a returning falcon... I'm also willing to try 2v3, 3v4, etc... I plan on testing this on a weekday soon, sometime 6:00 PM or later. (Eastern Time) Let me know if you are interested. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Still need people to test this... anyone?