Well, I was thinking of making a map just for the heck of it, including special fx's spawning throughout the game to resemble possibly: Morning, Day, Dusk, Night, then pitch black, or something along those lines. I know that there can only be four fx's so Im not so worried about the beginning fx's that would spawn, it is the last one. I would like a night time look that is eerie/scary, but is possible to see in. I experimented around in forge for a while with effects but couldnt find any I like. Does anybody know some sick nighttime effects, but possible to see in? I would appreciate any help. So in advance, Thanks! Oh! On another note, anyone know some good effects to go together, possibly with other things added, to make for some sick screen shots? I would be curios to try some of those type of things out too.
If your maps not to big you could spawns lights at the same time as the night effect so its more visible.
i recommend the following: pen and ink, orange, juicy, and purple. its really hard to see on land but it makes it easier to see under water if your going for that. its not impossible to see above water just really hard. also. juicy and pen and ink is nice.
PROTIP: For nighttime, cover up the playing area with Coliseum walls. That way, when you do the usual Purple/Green/Colorblind/However you want to do it, you won't have the sky ruining the illusion.
Yeah, I'm tryin to get the pitch black effect to. Im trying to make a map where you're on a space ship stranded in the middle of space and have it so that you can look out the windows and see "space". But I cant figure out how =(
impossible. FX are map wide you cant set them to be outside the ship and not in. by the waterfall in the big water cave around the top it is very dark, you could make your windows there.
I was gonna say, if you want an almost pitch black area, you can do Orange and Nova then build your map in the cave or coliseum. For nighttime, i think Purple and Color Blind works better than Purple and Next Gen.
In all probability if you were stranded out in space, the ship would have already lost power and you would have no gravity or lights. You could always put lights in the ship so it's brighter in there, and with the reflection on the windows you probably won't be able to see anything outside.
i kinda wanted a storm at night feet, cause its on a boat. right now i got purple and old timey which shakes the screen and stuff, but...
One thing I just tried was using the Coliseum, covering the sections where lights are, and using fx like Purple... Seems to work fine, but you can still see some of the Coliseum stuff if you look closely (but who would have enough time during battle to look out and spot the little details?)