Platform 51

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by JDiggin, Oct 17, 2010.

  1. JDiggin

    JDiggin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Platform 51

    "A top secret UNSC military base that is rumored to be testing
    and developing Covenant weaponry."

    This is my custom Halo Reach map Platform 51. It's a symmetrical map and I am interested to see how well it's going to play out. I have held a few FFA's and it was awesome, but my opinion may be biased. The weapons list is relatively short, there are plenty of DMR's spread out all over the map, a sniper rifle, a rocket launcher, a shotgun and two plasma pistols.

    Let me know what you think!

    Weapon Spawn Times:
    ..... Sniper: 105s
    ..... Rocket Launcher: 120s
    ..... Shottie: 90s
    ..... DMR's: 30s
    ..... Plasma Pistols: 90s

    Images are below:

    Birds Eye View of Platform 51

    View from Blue Base

    Top Back of Base

    Long Bridge

    Pics of new gametypes available:





    If you download my map, please leave your thoughts and suggestions on how well it plays.

    Thanks, ooh-rah.
    #1 JDiggin, Oct 17, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2010
  2. oA IN D IR E Wo

    oA IN D IR E Wo Forerunner

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    Your map is very well made and the game flow is fantastic. I will really enjoy myself playing your map. it is very much fun and exciting. I will give this a 4.5 / 5.0 and please make more maps
  3. JDiggin

    JDiggin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Wow, thanks for checking it out and for the positive feedback! I will definitely make more maps in the future. I am entering this map in the Forgetacular map contest that is being held by Bungie. I have everything I need, except a video of how it plays out. I would like to have a video of a 4v4 Team Slayer match and submit that. I would like the match to be a Slayer Pro match with the vehicle setting changed to “Map Default”, otherwise every vehicle will be a 4-wheeler and I added warthogs and planes to add a cool back drop to the map. The vehicles don’t affect gameplay, they are just to make my map feel more like a military base.

    Thanks again!
  4. Crimson Edge 7

    Crimson Edge 7 Forerunner

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    Your link is currently to the fileshare page, which means it links to my fileshare, so I can't download the map. If you change the link to a direct link to the file, it should be fine.
  5. JDiggin

    JDiggin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hey Crimson, sorry about that. Try it now, I think it'll direct you to the right place this time.
    #5 JDiggin, Oct 22, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2010
  6. II Show Tyme II

    II Show Tyme II Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Great map! Please create more! Really cool theme with the military base in the background. I love this map and I'll recommend it to all of my friends!
  7. Tedium

    Tedium Lead Writer
    Senior Member

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    Okay. Going onto this map, I immediately knew that you knew what you were doing. The shape of it is great and allows good circulation and flow. Differing levels of elevation allow a smooth gradient which is comfortable to look up or down (in areas such as those closest to the camera in your third original screen shot). I agree that some more weapons should be placed in the area, but perhaps no covenant weapons. I think that they will sacrifice the tone and theme of your map in exchange for weapons that the common forger may naturally feel should be there, though they are unnecessary.

    One thing that confused me was how in some areas, you show an insightful understanding of cover placement, however in others you fail to add any. Additionally, some areas are beautifully decorated (such as how the columns under your Large Walkway Covers link them to the Large Walkways), but in others the lack of features in almost accented by the contrast between areas. One area that I thought was peculiarly empty was the tops of the walkway covers. Obviously you intend for people to walk on top of them as you have placed grenades there for the players' convenience, but apart from those two dots on the end of the path, there is no reason for anyone to traverse them. These walkways can become jewels in the players' eyes with the perfect amount of forging, you just need to know what to do with the areas. There is great potential for these walkway covers to become simple tactical perches, pathways to exciting advantage points or areas which house an important weapon which the player must risk exposing themselves to obtain. You might be thinking that I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, but there is potential for these areas which I feel can really] add to the map to help it stand out from the rest.

    The walkways leading to the uppermost areas of the map feel a little precarious in regard of how there are no railings on the side. They might provide little difference concerning game play, but naturally someone who sees such a walkway, which in real life could be pretty dangerous, the ledge is much less inviting. These small things do make a difference, believe me.

    I like how you've only given the rocket launcher two rockets. This makes the weapon feel much more like a commodity and less like a weapon which promises quick and decisive death for the enemies of those who wield it. You know what I mean. The sniper rifle, shotgun and other weapons all have the same respawn time, which I believe you have overlooked. Having every weapon at 30 seconds can really overbalance the game. I don't know if it was an honest mistake, or if you were simply unaware, but in short the basic principal is that the stronger the weapon, the higher to spawn time. Grenades usually have the lowest time, and rocket launchers usually range from 120-150 (however your ammo-less one would probably be lower).

    I found the infrequency of health packs frustrating, and the sloppiness of their placement disappointing. Again, this is a small thing, but small things are what distinguish professionalism from mediocrity. I would probably suggest replacing Cover, Crenellations with the normal variety so that you can place the health pack neatly in the center. There were a few places where a health pack could ideally be placed, but putting the majority of them on covers is frankly a little odd. I suggest you put them near the bulk of the action, not way out on the outskirts, so people may use them in their most dire situation.

    In the third picture of your original post, at the location of the respawn point in the exact center of your screenshot (looking at the sniper rifle in the Room, Triple) I thought that the pitfall trap was a bit unnecessary. It's pretty annoying to think you've found the sniper rifle to be dropped away from it. I think that hole is best clogged up.

    Overall, this is a wonderful map. It all physically and visually blends together very well and has a nice atmosphere. I like how you've teased the player with the wraith and banshee below the level as well. Such an attention to aestheticism is pretty clever, including how you've placed the satellite dish in the background, and the barracks or whatever in the coliseum. The teleporters on either side of the level do well to converge both initial spawn points into the center of the map. But, this could be easily foiled if a player stands on that mutual receiver teleporter. Maybe you could put two receivers of the same frequency to replace the one, so that there is an element of unpredictability. Also in reference back to what I said earlier about decoration, the sender nodes would benefit from a bit of decoration or a wall behind them. Again, it would make the player feel safer and gives a good sense of definition to the outer boundaries of the map.

    I look forward to seeing some more gametypes. You've already mentioned how you plan on adding some, and I agree that they will do well. I hope you've found this criticism constructive, and remember: a diligent forger is a successful forger. Keep at it.
  8. JDiggin

    JDiggin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Wow! As expected a very nice review! Thank you for being so diligent in your reviews. I noticed your review of Airoden was very helpful. That's why I requested a review from you. I didn't realize the weapon spawn issues, but I will take care of that.

    You provide some really great reviews and offer some very good suggestions.

    I'll recommend Warehouse 27 to my friends.


    Edited by merge:

    Thanks, and I appreciate it!

    I'll recommend Airoden to my friends as well!
    #8 JDiggin, Oct 25, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2010
  9. Darkm2021

    Darkm2021 Forerunner

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    This map looks good. I'll definitely check it out when I get home from school. I'll probably play a couple games on this map with friends to see how it plays out. Good job on the map.
  10. JDiggin

    JDiggin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, I'm a fan of the symmetrical maps and your map looks pretty sweet as well. I have it queued for download and I'll do a run through when I get home from work and I'll provide thoughts and suggestions tomorrow.

    Thanks for checking out my map.
  11. Tedium

    Tedium Lead Writer
    Senior Member

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    Thanks man, I appreciate that.
  12. Fixmyringodeath

    Fixmyringodeath Forerunner

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    cool map, i really want to play it soon
  13. JDiggin

    JDiggin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, if you have any suggestions after playing on it feel free to let me know.
  14. One iiNSANE Kid

    One iiNSANE Kid Forerunner

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    Not played it, but from what you've given...
    Get rid of the killball in the background for aesthetics, it just looks horrible. sorry.

    Also, why is there nothing like CtF of assault on here? The map defiantly needs more gametypes if you want me to keep this on my hard drive.
  15. JDiggin

    JDiggin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hey, thanks for the response:

    I'm working on Nuetral Flag, Territories, and Headhunter as well. I don't think I'm going to remove the Killball, it adds a neat effect in the distance of the map. You may end up liking it when you play on it.

    One question, if I add new gametypes to my map can I save it as the current map on my fileshare? I don't want to lose my number of downloads that I currently have.
  16. Tedium

    Tedium Lead Writer
    Senior Member

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    Yes you will lose your download count. I can say I've lamented over a few resets myself.
  17. JDiggin

    JDiggin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks to everyone and their awesome suggestions, Platform 51 Version 2.0 will include:

    A.) New gametypes:
    ----- Headhunter
    ----- Headhunter Pro
    ----- KOTH
    ----- Crazy King
    ----- Neutral Flag
    ----- One Flag
    ----- CTF
    ----- Oddball
    ----- ERROR: This gametype is "Top Secret", that information is G-14 classified.

    B.) New map additions:
    ----- Cover items on the walkway canopies
    ----- Modified weapon spawn times
    ........... Sniper: 105s
    ........... Rocket Launcher: 120s (Only 2 Rockets per Spawn)
    ........... Shottie: 90s
    ........... DMR's: 30s
    ........... Plasma Pistols: 90s
    ----- Added 2 Plasma Pistols
    ----- Additional Receiver Node added to top of base
    ----- Rails added to landing pads to minimize fall hazard
    ----- New walkways at man cannon to add additional area of play
    ----- Updated aesthetics of the satellite

    Straight from the UNSC Headquarters:

    We have new information regarding the "Top Secret" gametype. Only problem is, it's encrypted! Here's what we were able to intercept:

    - mge[]yaet []s lecald pk[]ulo
    - ft[]resea lndic[]u rps[]ni elcls d[]a vhn[]ae e[]zns
    - []tvo[]bevi rtna[]sp ust[] i[]ll lise[]e in ro[]re to ne[]s t[]me to []eh ik[]l o[]nzs
    if a pr[]snta e[]d ry[]ngi/ he[]t rea sn[]t to []th nz^&%**#)_#...

    That's all we were able to get before the transmission went blank.

    Over n out - krrsh.
    #17 JDiggin, Oct 27, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2010
  18. II Show Tyme II

    II Show Tyme II Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hey JDig,
    I did a run through on your newly-edited map and love the extra walkway that the man cannon is on. I think it adds a better flow of competitiveness to it.

    There is one thing that I found that may need to be fixed. It's not a huge deal but it has the potential to make people mad. On the very top of the mid map where you have the two receiver nodes I notice the one closes to the man cannon "receiver 1" would make you face the other receiver node "receiver 2". Receiver 2 wouldn't face you towards receiver 1. It actually faces you towards the landing pads. So say if the red team and the blue team spawned on the landing pads and hit the sender nodes at the same time whoever came through receiver 1 would have a better advantage.

    Other than that this map plays very well and I look forward to playing more custom games on it. Can't wait for you to create another fantastic map! Getting on Halo right now to let my friends know that you have updated it. Maybe within the next couple of minutes i'll have a group of friends ready to play some customs :)
  19. JDiggin

    JDiggin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Wow! Good find! I actually just updated that as well and re-posted the updated map. Thanks, I look forward to playing more games on Airoden too!
    #19 JDiggin, Oct 31, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2010

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