WELCOME TO RECEPTION! "Lost? Not anymore!" *UPDATED! V3.0 In Posts - 11/5/10* *Overview of the back side of the map* This is my new competetive map that I made to fit all game types. From oddball to infection, everything is playable here! At least thats what I'm thinking. Still needs more testing with more people involved. Played it with my roommates and it was a blast! The best way to describe it would be bungie-esque. Very competetive yet open enough with multiple routes to be more casual. As some people said a majority of levels created have been really "grey", so I tried incorporating more of the unique landscape in forgeworld and this little inlet by blood gulch was a perfect place. So please download my level and give it a shot. I know its not 100% perfect but its getting close. Any constructive critisicm and advise would be greatly appreciated! Also if your playing my map with friends or alone or just plane liked my design by all means go ahead and send me a friend request (GT:CaptainSize)! I look forward to hearing back from all the testers! Thanks and Happy Slaying! **Weapons List** 4x Plasma Grenade 2x Frag Grenade 2x Sniper Rifle 2x Shotgun 2x Needle Rifle 1x Grenade Launcher 1x Rocket Launcher 1x Brute Hammer 1x Focus Rifle 1x Plasma Repeater (DMRs will be added later) And now here are some more pics! *The view from the backside of the red base* *And the view from on top of the red base* Finally, *What the blue base sees from their side* Just a short preview of the map!YouTube - Halo Reach - Preview - Reception Thanks again! Updates: Sun. 10/24/10 - I will be online at 9:00pm central time if anyone would like to join me and test the map out! Thurs. 10/28/10 - V2.0 Arrives! Update is in the posts. Also I will be online tonight if anyone would like to try it out! Sat. 10/30/10 - Download link fixed Fri. 11/5/10 - Link down will be up tomorrow - BUT its V3.0 Sat. 11/6/10 - Download link back up!
Wow I really like that you built it between Alaska and Montana and that rock spire out in the distance is a very nice aesthetic piece, oh and nice first map BTW
Thanks! Let me know if you try it out! Funny thing about the spire is when I tested it out I didnt think I could make it out there with the jetpack but let me tell ya it proved me wrong lol. Also this is my 2nd map, first one is called Fortress and is strictly an Invasion map. Its good, just not as good as this one
are there multiple sniper rifles on the map? If there's just one, and you can jetpack out there... there could be some serious balance issues posed by that spire
WELCOME TO RECEPTION V2.0! The new and improved version!.......at least somewhat. I didnt feel like making a whole different thread for just a few updates so Im just replying to this one. For the people that have already downloaded my map, thank you and I hope you are enjoying it, and for the people that haven't, what are you waiting for!? Here is a list of updates: 1. Fixed some visual glitches 2. Put walkways behind the bases 3. Patched up a couple holes 4. Added more soft kill zones 5. DMRs x2 added to map 6. More Respawn Points! And here are some more pictures to go along with it! **The last ones just for fun** And here is a video of some gameplay! YouTube - Reception Gameplay Any constructive criticism would be appreciated! Im looking forward to what everyone has to say! [br][/br]Edited by merge: I'm sorry I guess I never replied. But you wont have to worry about the spire its completely out of bounds and anyone who gets out there wont be there for long . Check out the new version its way better!....well somewhat.
this is a really sweet idea of placing the map here. I like how you used the rock formation on the center tower.Looks great , will DL
Thanks, I tried to make it look as natural as possible. It ALMOST looks like its suppose to be part of hemorrage lol
It was meant to be a central firefight point, above and below. At the end of the newest clip I posted you can see that it tends to turn out that way.
Thanks for the comment, I couldn't pass it up when I noticed it, pretty much an insta-idea came to mind lol. ANYWAYS V3.0 is out now! I'm hoping it will be the final one but who knows. Updates Made: 1. VISUAL AMAZINGNESS! (Check the pictures) 2. Added even more spawn points 3. Fixed the problem with oddball 4. Made the door blockers in the bases look more uniform 5. Removed railing on bottom platforms. Watch your step! 6. Cones!!!! And as always here are some more pictures! Red base improvements Blue base water pad improvements Walkway construction And two for fun! ***Download Link BACK UP!!!*** [br][/br]Edited by merge: Over 100 combined downloads, looking for some more feedback....or footage....somethin lol