Boosting offline profiles?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Titmar, Oct 28, 2010.

  1. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    I want to boost up some offline profiles on my console
    so when i have friends over to play local, they have a ton of choices for armor and customization.

    i thought that boosting Oni Sword Base would be a fast way to accomplish this,
    but then i realize there are no commendations for offline profiles (?)

    what is peoples opinion of the fastest way to boost up an offline profile?
  2. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Pretty much, playing on Legendary, or playing firefight. My buddies and I did Co-op firefight, and were raking in points, and then when we hooked up to the internet for the first time, we were getting nothing for doing the identical thing.
  3. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    yea i tried doing a custom firefight set and i ended up only getting like 80 points for it...
    what type of firefight were you doing?

    also, i have heard that if you have an offline profile and leave it in forge for like 8 hours,
    it earns a bunch of points? is this true?
  4. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    Commendations cannot be gotten online due to the risk that people will somehow hack it while not being connected to Bungie/Microsoft online

    Any gametype will get you the same points, as its based on amount of time spent in game. Forge is probably the best way to go, because at least you can make a cool map while getting credits.
  5. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    We did custom firefight, however, our xbox's were completely unhooked from the internet, and the game had never been put in the xbox before then.
  6. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    Go and Forge. It is the fastest way to earn cR on an offline profile.
  7. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    I'm not sure but if you only got 80 credits that is about the amount of credits you get if its a online account playing a custom/offline game so it sounds like you had the xbox connected online or something.

    Turn xbox off take internet cord out then turn xbox on and play on a local account anything for while if your still getting 0-100 credits a game then sounds like you cannot get mass amounts of credits offline anymore because you have played online. That's just my guess.

    Edit: I haven't tried but i hear you can get 2,000credits for like 5mins in forge or something really outrageous but playing anything should get you up a lot, but if you have your heart set on boosting do the firefight unlimited ammo cant die rockets biggest bad guys you can make on smallest map should give you a lot of credits.
    #7 WWWilliam, Oct 29, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2010
  8. Random11714

    Random11714 Ancient
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    On offline profiles you gain credits for time spent, not amount of kills or anything like that. You don't get credits for watching videos in theater. The credit amount stops accumulating in a single game after 1 hour and 30 minutes. Every time you increase in an entire rank ( Ex. - Warrant Officer to Captain, Captain to Major), not grade upranks ( Ex. - Warrant Officer Grade 2 to Warrant Officer Grade 3), the amount you earn per unit of time increases.

    At Warrant Officer, you will earn 59 credits for approximately 5 minutes of gameplay. At Captain, you will earn 69 credits for the same amount of time. At Major, you will earn 79 credits for the same amount of time.

    I think my offline profile is currently Major Grade 1, I don't quite remember. It currently has around 310,000 credits and I have only bought GUNGNIR knee pads so far (Costing 25,000).
    #8 Random11714, Oct 30, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2010
  9. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Set up a custom forge game with super low sheilds and health, instant kill, instant respawn, and place three spawn points in a strait line. Set up a turret and just hold down the shoot button for ??? and profit.
  10. Kewl hoovy

    Kewl hoovy Forerunner

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    You CAN hack, it won't be detected offline, but don't get live for that hacked account or you will get banned.

    Search max credits full rank on youtube if you want to.

    P.S: I don't hack, I just saw it when watching some Reach vids.
  11. WaxyPumpkin72

    WaxyPumpkin72 Ancient
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    Honestly, I would say mod, it doesn't matter when its offline. It doesn't ruin gameplay at all, and its easy.... So yeah.
  12. Prototape

    Prototape Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Modding takes more work than worth it to just acquire a few pieces of armor.. not worth it if that's all you're going to do.

  13. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Mine was actually for lolz, its just based on time. If you set it to invincibility then just sit in the middle of corvette on never-ending firefight it will be just as effecient.
  14. Prototape

    Prototape Forerunner
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    Oh :p I'm not really too crazy about points and armor so I just assumed it was mostly based on score.
  15. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
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    Modding an offline halo reach profile is as simple as a quick .gpd swap the takes less than 5 mins total for the whole thing. No tools are required or anything, just a USB drive and 2 programs. I'm not gonna really get into explaining anything though because last time I started talking about modding I'm pretty sure I got a warning. I'll message if u want titmar.
  16. Dav

    Dav Forerunner

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    You could mod it. I modded an offline account for giggles and everything in the armory's purchased. Shouldn't get you in trouble unless you're stupid and upgrade it to XBL.
  17. elitebiker18

    elitebiker18 Forerunner

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    I agree. You should just hack your offline accounts. Its very simple as long as you have the right programs.

    1.Transfer cable or USB
    2. Modio -
    3. Le Fluffie -
    4. Modded GPD file -

    And here is a youtube video explaining in good detail everything you need to do.
    YouTube - ModdingTutorials - How to Mod Halo: Reach | Highest Rank | Unlock Everything | Max Credits

    I can guarentee that if you do everything correctly you will not get any viruses. I should know because I was very causious when I first did it. But now I have 3 different modded accounts and its pretty awesome. Just remember not to go online with any of the accounts because you will most likely get an automatic BAN

    I hope this helped. If you have any question then message me on xbox live. GT: elitebiker18.
    #17 elitebiker18, Nov 27, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2010
  18. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Upgrading the account to XBL after you mod it won't get you banned. Offline credits =/= Online credits. Modding one that already has LIVE is a different story altogether.

    I did this to an offline account to see the available armor, and I was quite disappointed. There isn't much armor that I can't already see at Colonel.

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